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November 14 Announcements

Pictorial Directory
Thanks to everyone who stayed after a service to get an updated photo for our new pictorial directory. There are still a few of you who haven’t had a chance yet. Becci Kerstetter will be here one last time this Sunday, November 17 to take photos of anyone who hasn’t had one taken yet. If you aren’t able to come on Sunday, Debbie is happy to snap a photo during office hours (Monday-Thursday, (9am-3pm).

Advent Calendars
Advent Calendars will be on sale in the Narthex beginning this Saturday and Sunday. The cost is $8. Please make checks out to Bethany Lutheran Church, with "Advent Calendars" in the memo line. We also accept cash. (The calendars are from Divine Chocolates and are Fair Trade sourced.)


Youth Group Clothes & Necessities Drive
The Bethany Youth are conducting a clothing and cold weather necessities drive for those in our community. Helpline House has indicated that they are in need of items such as warm winter coats, socks, mittens, hats, gloves, and tents. The youth are also collecting hygiene items, small toys, and books which will go to a shelter for women and children affected by domestic violence. Please help this dedicated group of Bethany Youth in their efforts to live into Jesus' commandment to love our God and our neighbors as ourselves. Donated items can be placed in the basket in the Narthex. Thank you for thinking of our neighbors in need!


Thanksgiving Services
Bethany will offer a service of Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00pm. The service includes a Thanksgiving litany and special music by the choir.

The Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap Interfaith Council will offer a family-friendly service on Tuesday, November 26, 7:00pm at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church. Gratitude is a universal virtue of faith, and every member organization is asked to contribute in some way: Song, Prayer, Scripture, Silent Meditation, and more. All are welcome to come and to learn more about the faith of your neighbors.


Memorial Services
A memorial service to celebrate Georgia Figgins’ life will be held at Bethany on Saturday, November 16 at 2:00pm. All are welcome to come and remember Georgia.

A memorial service to celebrate Barbara Michael’s life will be held at Bethany on Saturday, November 23 at 1:00pm with a reception at Bethany to follow. All are welcome to come and remember Barbara.


Holiday Community Meals
Again this year, our community of restaurants, volunteers and St. Cecilia’s are working together to provide Holiday meals to anyone who will be alone or could use a spark of joy. The November meal is on Thanksgiving Day.  In December, the holiday meal will be on Saturday, Dec 21. Several local restaurants generously donate and prepare food. Volunteers will serve or assemble and deliver meals on Thanksgiving morning.

There are two ways people can participate on Thanksgiving Day:

Dine-In - Join us at St Cecilia’s for a sit-down meal in a festive dining room.  Thanksgiving Day 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

- We will gladly reserve a table of 6-8.  Please call Jackie at 206-842-4441 by November 18th if you are interested in this option.

Meal Delivery - IVC volunteers will deliver meals between 9:30 am - 11:30 am.

Reservations are required by November 18 To reserve, please call BI Senior Center (206) 842-1616 or IVC - (206) 842-4441. See the flyer on the hallway bulletin board for more information. 

2024 Senior Holiday Giving Program at Helpline House
For the Winter Holidays Helpline House is again going to offer gifts, in the form of $25 gift cards, to Bainbridge seniors (55+).  As in previous years, they are asking churches and congregations to help by providing a certain number of gift cards. We would like to challenge the Bethany community to donate twenty-five $25 gift cards.  

The gift cards be from any of the following :

  • Ace Hardware
  • Amazon
  • Eagle Harbor Book Co.
  • Safeway
  • Starbucks
  • Town & Country

Helpline House will distribute the cards the week of December 16th, so please bring them to the church office no later than December 12th. (Note: the $25 gift cards must be activated before Helpline House receives them.)

Amabile Concerts
Amabile is proud to present their Winter 2024 program, “This Shining Night”. Their program name is drawn from a work composed by Morten Lauridsen with  lyrics by poet James Rufus Agee, “Sure on this Shining Night”. The words are lovely, optimistic, and soothing - a balm for these trying times. They’ll be joined once again by the Olympic Serenade String Quartet, and will be singing a collection of gorgeous songs of the season, both sacred and secular. The concerts will be offered on Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7 at 7:30pm at Bethany. A Saturday matinee concert will take place on December 7 at 2:00pm at St. Cecilia Catholic Church. Tickets are available at Dana’s on Bainbridge Island or by visiting amabilechoir.org.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Barbara and David Swartling in celebration of their 54th wedding anniversary.

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Whitney Lane & Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Maimu Truitt
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Tim Carlsen & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Alice McCain & Linnea Chu
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeters/Ushers: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Host: Gail Christensen
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Becci Kerstetter & Claire Dasler

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November 7 Announcements

Adult Faith Formation
Please join us on Sunday, November 10 after worship for an adult educational forum on Dietrich Bonhoeffer offered by Barbara Deines. Barbara is a member of the International Bonhoeffer Society, which "is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world." Bonhoeffer's legacy continues to teach us, and is particularly relevant in our present times. All are welcome!


Bible Study in November
The Women’s Book and Bible Study group will meet on Monday, November 11 at 9:30am to continue their discussion on Inspired by Rachel Held Evans. Steve Christensen will be leading the Men’s Bible Study group this month. Curiosity. A human trait.  A very valuable resource.  At the Men's Bible study next Tuesday, November 12, at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall we will discuss ideas in puzzling out questions that arise from stories in the Bible.

A huge thank you to Rachel Pritchett for leading worship service the past two weekends, and to Rev. Sonja Selboe for celebrating communion. We are grateful for your presence in the Bethany community and for the sharing of your gifts.


Memorial Services
A memorial service to celebrate Georgia Figgins’ life will be held at Bethany on Saturday, November 16 at 2:00pm. Please note the change in time. All are welcome to come and remember Georgia.

A memorial service to celebrate Barbara Michael’s life will be held at Bethany on Saturday, November 23 at 1:00pm with a reception at Bethany to follow. All are welcome to come and remember Barbara.


Faith Action Network (FAN)
Bethany Lutheran has for a long time supported FAN and its multi-faith “Action for the Common Good” (fanwa.org). As part of that support we take part in Interfaith Advocacy Day in Olympia in February and have a FAN line item in the annual congregational budget.

FAN’s biggest fundraiser is its annual dinner, and again Bethany members have taken part by attending and/or donating funds. This year the dinner will be held in Renton on Sunday, November 17, beginning at 4:30; tickets are $110 per person. Deadline for purchase is Monday, November 11. (More info:  https://fanwa.org/annual-dinner )

Would you like to attend the dinner in person? A table has been purchased for eight Bethany and Eagle Harbor UCC members to share. Bethany has at least two seats available at this table for $100 each. If you are interested in a ticket/s and possibly carpooling, contact Alice McCain at 360.328.0920 or


Schola Nova Vespers Service
St. Barnabas’ Schola Nova invites you to Vespers on Sunday, November 17 at 6 p.m. Please join us as we celebrate St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, in the final service of a series honoring female saints. In December, St. Barnabas' evening service will be Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec 8, at 6 PM.

If you are a soprano or alto interested in singing with Schola Nova, please contact Music Director Sheila Bristow at 


Prayers Are Requested: for Georgia Figgins’ family as they mourn her death; for Ralph Schulz who is under hospice care. 

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are provided by the Altar Guild.

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Nancy Wetzler
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Carol Fenner
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Linda Knudson; Communion Assistant: Lynn Nordby; Hospitality Hosts: Benay & Lynn Nordby                

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeters/Ushers: Whitney Lane & Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Maimu Truitt
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Tim Carlsen & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

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