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January 23 Announcements

Youth Group
The second monthly gathering of the Bethany Youth Group meets this Sunday, January 26 for bible study and confirmation instruction from 3-5pm at the church. All youth in grades 7-12 are welcome to attend our meetings -even if they are already confirmed! Our bible study is interactive and discussion-based so it ends up being a lively conversation and a lot of fun. Come for learning together, good fellowship, and yummy snacks! Questions? Contact Pastor Erin at  .

2025 Bethany Annual Meeting
Please plan now to attend the annual meeting which will take place after the 10:00am service on Sunday, February 2. Materials for this meeting including an agenda, the minutes from the 2024 annual meeting, a proposed 2025 budget and the proposed amendments to the Bethany governing documents will be provided early next week. Please note – There will be no 5:00pm service on Saturday, February 1 so that we may worship together in advance of the annual meeting.


Opportunity to Serve at Bethany
As we prepare to call a new pastor, lay leadership will be especially important in the upcoming year. Our church council will provide support and collaborate with our new pastor, and also provide continuity for the congregation. The current church council and nominating committee invite anyone who is interested in serving on council or in other leadership positions to contact Kristi Sutton, a member of the congregation council and nominating committee at . Let’s start demonstrating now our commitment to a strong and vibrant Bethany community!

Living Lutheran
Are you interested in receiving the Living Lutheran magazine at home? The magazine, which had switched to an online format only, is returning to a quarterly print edition. Bethany is able to purchase a subscription for the community. If you would like to receive the Living Lutheran magazine at home, please indicate this on the signup sheet on the hallway bulletin board or let Debbie know by calling the office or emailing her at .


New Member Class
Are you interested in learning more about being a member of the Bethany community? Please join us for an informal new members' gathering this Sunday, January 26 after worship. You'll learn about the history of Bethany Lutheran Church, meet others who are new to the community, and participate in discussion about what church membership looks like today. All are welcome! Please be in touch with Pastor Erin with any questions and/or to signal your interest.


Save The Date!
February 8 is Family Game Night at Bethany. Starting after the 5:00 service, there will be pizza and other treats and a variety of games to choose from (or bring your favorite). There will be games for kids and adults. You may attend the service and stay for the fun or just come in time to play. Feel free to bring guests to join us!


Year End Statements and 2025 Giving Commitments
Thank you to all who gave so generously in 2024. The 2024 Year End Giving Statements will be mailed by the end of January 2025. We give thanks also to everyone who made a 2025 giving commitment. Offering envelopes for those who requested envelopes on the commitment card are now available in the narthex. If you did not previously request offering envelopes and now would like them, or didn’t complete a commitment card but would like envelopes, please contact Debbie at .

LiVE Project Retreat
“Embracing Differences” will be the focus of a retreat led by Fred Oduyoye, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Everett. This is part of the Northwest Washington Synod’s LiVE Project that Bethany subscribes to, so there is no charge. Oduyoye, from Ohio, is a leading nationwide voice on racism and reconciliation; this retreat is not to be missed. Lunch is included. Lay-minister candidate Rachel Pritchett is forming a carpool. Contact her at (206) 498-0920. 


News from Martha and Mary
A huge bouquet of thanks to Bethany for providing such wonderful Christmas gifts for the Martha and Mary residents.  Everyone was touched by the thoughtful care put into each item making them very personal.  With such a spirit of generosity, so much joy was shared!  Thank you! Thank you!  

And volunteers are needed!   If you have a song to sing, an instrument to play, the residents always appreciate special entertainment to brighten their days.  If you have a few hours a week to spare, we are hoping to reopen the Gift Shop (closed since Covid) where residents can purchase small gifts or snacks. While there will be some staff hours provided, volunteers are needed to help out.  Please contact Benay Nordby or Linnea Chu if you are interested in any of these ways to serve our neighbors.  

Please mark your calendars now for our 2025 Generations of Care fundraising Gala for June 5, 2025. More information to come. 

2025 Interfaith Advocacy Day
The 2025 Interfaith Advocacy Day, sponsored by Faith Action Network (FAN), will be on Thursday, February 20, 9:00am – 3:00pm at The United Churches of Olympia, 110 11th Ave SE, Olympia WA. The Interfaith Advocacy Day brings the voices of compassion and justice to our elected leaders. Meeting with your legislators and their staff on this day is putting your faith into action!

On Interfaith Advocacy Day, you will be able to:

  • Join plenaries and workshops that will explore the issues on FAN's 2024 Legislative Agenda.
  • Meet with advocates from your legislative district to prepare for your legislative visits.
  • Meet with your legislator or their legislative assistant! If you register by February 3, FAN will set up an appointment for you and others from your district.
  • Lunch will be provided.

Don’t miss this important day in Olympia! Registration deadline is February 3. Attendance is limited to 200 participants due to regulations at The United Churches of Olympia. Attendees are encouraged sign up to guarantee a spot. For more information and to register to attend, visit https://fanwa.org/event/interfaith-advocacy-day-2025/.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are provided by the Altar Guild.

Prayers are Requested: for Linda Sommerseth who is undergoing radiation treatment for metastatic cancer; for Sylvia Cauter’s family as they mourn the death of her brother-in-law Steve.

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Vickie Bech
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Carol Fenner; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Luanne & Tom Croker; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Miriam Barrenger & Linnea Chu               

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Alice McCain & Linnea Chu
          Saturday 5:00pm – No Saturday Service on February 1
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett; Communion Assistant: Rachel Pritchett; Hospitality Hosts: TBD

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January 16 Announcements

Third Thursday Youth Cafe
Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to a Youth Cafe Night held the third Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm! The next Youth Cafe Night will be tonight, January 16 at Coquette in Winslow Green. Come for games, sweet treats and community connection! The Youth Cafe Nights are sponsored by open and affirming churches and youth organizations on Bainbridge Island. All are welcome! Pr. Erin won't be able to attend in January but hopes to join in the fun in February. Please reach out to Pr. Erin with questions.

Living Lutheran
Are you interested in receiving the Living Lutheran magazine at home? The magazine, which had switched to an online format only, is returning to a quarterly print edition. Bethany is able to purchase a subscription for the community. If you would like to receive the Living Lutheran magazine at home, please indicate this on the signup sheet on the hallway bulletin board or let Debbie know by calling the office or emailing her at .

New Member Class
Are you interested in learning more about being a member of the Bethany community? Please join us for an informal new members' gathering on Sunday, January 26 after worship. You'll learn about the history of Bethany Lutheran Church, meet others who are new to the community, and participate in discussion about what church membership looks like today. All are welcome! Please be in touch with Pastor Erin with any questions and/or to signal your interest.


A note of thanks from Pr. Erin
Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes! I was so touched by your heartfelt greetings, door decorations, and a sweet little cupcake on my desk. You are special to me, and thanks to you, I felt special, too. The new decade is off to the very best start!

Year End Statements and 2025 Giving Commitments
Thank you to all who gave so generously in 2024. The 2024 Year End Giving Statements will be mailed by the end of January 2025. We give thanks also to everyone who made a 2025 giving commitment. Offering envelopes for those who requested envelopes on the commitment card are now available in the narthex. If you did not previously request offering envelopes and now would like them, or didn’t complete a commitment card but would like envelopes, please contact Debbie at .

2025 Bethany Annual Meeting
Please plan now to attend the annual meeting which will take place after the 10:00am service on Sunday, February 2. In addition to the proposed amendments to the governing documents which were provided last month, the congregation will vote on a proposed budget for 2025 and a slate of new congregation council members.

Office Closed
The office will be closed this Monday, January 20, in recognition of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.


Peace Vigil
This Martin Luther King Day weekend, please join us for an Interfaith Candlelight Peace Vigil at Pia the Peacekeeper (aka the Bainbridge Troll) on Sunday, January 19 from 5:00-5:30 pm. Representatives from various faith traditions will share a brief reading or prayer, and we'll join our voices in communal song. All attendees will be invited to light a candle for peace and are welcome to bring a brief reading or prayer to share as they light their candle (optional). Parking is limited, please consider parking across the street in the School District Lot. Note the trail leading to Pia is unpaved and the area around her can be muddy, so plan accordingly. 

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Birgit & Norm Davis.

Prayers are Requested: for Linda Sommerseth who is undergoing radiation treatment for metastatic cancer; for Sylvia Cauter’s brother-in-law Steve who is under hospice care.

 Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Birgit & Norm Davis
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Tim Carlsen & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Claire Dasler; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning              

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Vickie Bech
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Carol Fenner; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Luanne & Tom Croker; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Miriam Barrenger & Linnea Chu

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