About us

Welcome to bethany

Welcome to the Bethany Lutheran Church website. We hope you'll be inspired enough to come try us out and make Bethany your home of worship and spiritual growth. Bethany's been around a long time on the island, but newcomers are always welcome and essential to sustain God's work to serve the unfortunate and disenfranchised. In return, we offer you a community in which to worship, and an opportunity to build your faith. We are an inclusive church, where everyone is welcome, no exceptions. We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran church body in the nation. We also are a "Reconciling in Christ" congregation, where we welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We are committed to a community of racial equity. 

What to expect

A good place to start is to join us for worship. We currently are offering two worship services, one at 10 a.m. on Sundays and one at 5:00pm Saturday evenings. A family corner with activities for children is available in our sanctuary at both services.

The 5:00pm Saturday service is smaller and more casual. This 45-minute worship time is a good fit for some people's schedules.  After worship, we enjoy relaxed fellowship with good conversation and light refreshments. Come as you are; we are so glad you joined us. 

The larger Sunday-morning worship is at 10:00 a.m. This hour-long service features traditional liturgy and beautiful music from the Bethany Choir, led by Sylvia Cauter. A special message for children takes place at the Sunday morning service and children are then dismissed for Sunday School during the program year. Coffee fellowship and adult education offerings (during the program year) follow worship. Dress as you will; we are glad you are here!

Regardless of which worship service you choose, you will be welcomed and your presence cherished.





Saturdays 5:00 p.m. followed by fellowship and light refreshments

Sundays 10:00 a.m. Including children's message and Sunday school, followed by COFFEE HOUR FELLOWSHIP and adult education programs


at the very core

"To seek to do God's will through joyful outreach near and far, hospitality toward all, and spiritual growth that amazes."

We try to be like Christ, and believe his death and resurrection reconciled us to God. Bethany belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran church in the nation. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which is an affirmation of welcome that specifically names people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, and also expresses a commitment to racial equity.


how to Join in

Talking with Bethany's care pastor, Erin Grayson, will get you on track. Together, you can discern what path you'd like to take at Bethany. Here's a list of opportunities to get you thinking: Adult Faith Formation, Affordable Housing Initiative (Finch Green), Altar Guild, Bethany Cares Team, Bethany Choir, Bible Study Groups, Buildings and Grounds Team, Children's Sunday School, Congregation Council, Hospitality and Fellowship Team, Rachel Circle Quilting Group, Youth and Confirmation. There is something for everyone here! For more information about Bethany and our programs, contact Pr. Erin at  or our church administrator at









Bethany's roots on the island reach back to 1913, when a small group of Swedish people built the church on Pleasant Beach. You can spot the original church today on the left on your way to Fort Ward Park. Today, about 150 people from all walks of life worship and serve weekly at our location at Sportsman's and High School roads. Come shape the journey into the future.

Contact us

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at bethany

See you here!