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Variety Show organizer issues big thank you

A big thank you to everyone who came to our fundraiser for refugee resettlement on Saturday night.  We raised between $5,000 and $6,000 towards meeting the needs of people coming to the Northwest.  A HUGE thank you to those intrepid souls who practiced up a storm and performed so well.  A GIGANTIC thank you to Linda Newlon and her crew in the kitchen -- Marlene Orweiler, Melanie Olson, Benay Nordby, and Claire Dasler, for the delicious and beautiful hors d'oeuvres.  Rachel Running and Selina Johnson, (gasp!) made ALL the desserts and had them displayed on the tables as people were seated.  And, one more thank you, of course, to our rapping Pastor Paul and Rachel Pritchett who just plain helped with everything.  A good time was had by all for a good cause!

- Mary Jensen

Women invited to Spring Cluster

Women of Bethany are invited to the Olympic Cluster 2017 Spring Celebration, taking place Saturday, March 25, at Silverdale Lutheran Church. The Revs. Paula Burchill and Sigi Helgeson will conduct worship and study. The featured speaker is John Forseth, program director of the Refugee Resettlement and Placement Program of Lutheran Community Services Northwest. The all-day event includes lunch and workshops. Proceeds benefit Coffee Oasis. The cost is $15. Sign up on the bulletin board. Child care is available.

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