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New Bethany announcments now posted

A weekly announcement page will be sent from Bethany each Tuesday or Wednesday to keep the community informed about upcoming events, changes due to COVID-19 or the weather and prayer concerns. We hope that the links provided on this page will be helpful to you. This is the announcement page for Jan. 20, 2021.

- The Bethany Lutheran Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021, at 11:15 a.m. via Zoom.

- Bethany Annual Reports are available. Contact Rachel in the church office (206-842-4241) if you would like either a copy emailed to you or a paper copy sent to you.

- Rachel Circle Bible Study will meet next on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd at 10 a.m.  via Zoom. The Bible study materials may be found in the Jan./Feb. Gather magazine (session 2), or paper copies are available at church. 

- Sunday worship continues in a drive-in format, starting at 10 a.m. here in the Bethany parking lot. Either listen to the service on the outdoors speakers, or tune your radio dial to FM 87.9.

- Online worship with Poulsbo First Lutheran Church, in conjunction with Seekers Ministry, in an online format airs each Sunday, at 8:30 and 11 a.m., and then streaming whenever you want to tune in. Just visit bethanyofbainbridge.org.

- Baby Kit sewing staff need your help. We make receiving blankets and diapers from used flannel sheets or pieces at least 22" by 27.” We are low on flannel. If you have sheets you have been thinking about replacing, please remember us. We can also use men's large or larger cotton t shirts for diapers. Women's XL or larger would probably work too. If the shirts have pictures or writing on them no problem. If the necks are stretched or yellowed, no problem, we don't use that part. If you have sheets that aren't flannel, quilters would most likely be able to use them.  Thanks for your help, -- Marlene Orwiler, Rachel Circle member

- Christ in Our Home devotionals (Jan-Mar) are still available at Bethany.

- Interfaith Advocacy Day: Faith Action Network of Washington will hold its Interfaith Advocacy Day virtually this year, so we won't be going to Olympia in person this year. But Thursday, Feb. 11, will still be full of worship, speakers, fellowship and workshops on how to communicate effectively with your legislators during COVID-19. All you have to do is register before that day, at fanwa.org.

- Among the prayer concerns at Bethany:
For Tanya Roe, upon the death of her brother, Jerry.
For Steve Chupik, whose father died earlier this month
For Noreen Sievertsen, whose cousin died of COVID-19 this week.
For Vince Mattson, as he continues to settle into his new home at Madrona House.
For Whitney Lane, and her family members coping with health concerns.
For the many Bethanians who have relatives and friends suffering from COVID-19.


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