Good Thursday morning to you,
Again a big thanks to Nancy Wetzler and Whitney Lane for helping to keep the church interior clean during COVID-19. As you know, we lost our custodian in March when the church closed down. But soon after that volunteers came forth to vacuum and keep the bathrooms clean. Whitney comes in weekly and does the main floor that includes the narthex, living room, offices, sanctuary and fellowship hall. She also does the downstairs. Whitney, pictured, has a very powerful professional grade vacuum that straps onto her back, so the place really looks good.
Nancy, without complaint, scrubs the bathrooms. The bathrooms get more use than you would think. Besides drive-in worshippers, there are volunteers who use them, staff, delivery drivers, and the like.
I don't know what shape the church would be in if it weren't for Nancy and Whitney.
- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator