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November 11 Announcements

Stewardship Packets: Packets with 2022 stewardship materials have been mailed. Please use the addressed envelope included in the packet to return your pledge card and time-and-talent survey by November 21st

Caring Hearts: The Caring Hearts team will meet at Bethany on Thursday, November 18 at 10:00am. The team will be assessing the vision of this ministry and how to meet needs, recognizing the restrictions in place because of the pandemic. Newcomers to the team are welcome!

Thanksgiving Eve Service: Bethany will offer a Thanksgiving Eve service at 7pm on Wednesday, November 24.

Interfaith Zoom Thanksgiving Service: The BINK Interfaith Council is pleased to host their annual community Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 23 at 7:00pm on Zoom. This year's theme is "Faithful Stories." The evening will include musical offerings, multi faith prayers, and local guest speakers. Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84173982368?pwd=bkUrVG1UQytVVk5jdy8vS1ZxRHR6QT09 Meeting ID: 841 7398 2368 Passcode: 181253. All are welcome! 

Gift Cards for Seniors: Helpline House is collecting gift cards to give to Bainbridge Island seniors during the holiday season. They have asked the Bethany community to provide gift cards in the amount of $25 from four local vendors: Eagle Harbor Book Store, Amazon, Town & Country, and Safeway. Pastor Paul is challenging us to provide 25 gift cards in the $25 amount. Please bring gift cards to Debbie in the office by December 7.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers are given by David and Barbara Swartling this weekend in honor of their 51st wedding anniversary.

Prayers are Requested for: Wayne Richmond who is recovering from pneumonia at Island Health & Rehab and is grateful for our prayers.

Posted by Bethany office with