May 19 Announcements
Sanctuary Project Congregational Meeting: Please plan to attend this important meeting this Sunday, May 22 at 11:00am to vote on the final proposal. The meeting will be broadcast through the FM transmitter for those who are more comfortable listening in their car. Someone will come out to the parking lot to gather “thumbs up/thumbs down” votes out car windows. Special offerings or pledges toward the sanctuary update project are now being received and pledge cards are available in the narthex.
Pentecost Sunday: Plan now to wear red to church on Sunday, June 5 as we celebrate Pentecost. Pastor Paul will be attending the synod assembly on June 4 so there will be no Saturday 5pm service that day.
Confirmation Class: The final confirmation class of the program year will take place on Monday, May 23 in the outdoor lunch area. Come dressed for the weather.
Men’s Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet this Tuesday, May 24 at 8:00am.
FFF Potluck Group is Back: The FFF group gathered for their first potluck in over two years! In addition to enjoying some terrific food and fellowship, they planned additional summer and fall gatherings. The group will meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at noon, with the next gathering scheduled for June 14. If you were unable to be here this past Wednesday and would like to be added to the email list for future information, email Debbie at
Bainbridge Youth Choir Concert: The Bainbridge Youth Choir will hold its spring concert in the Bethany Sanctuary this Saturday, May 21 at 3pm.
Amabile Concert: Unfortunately, the Amabile concerts scheduled for Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21 are postponed due to illness. The concerts are rescheduled for Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18 at 7:30pm. Purchased tickets will be valid for the new concert dates. The Amabile Choir appreciates your support and understanding.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Vicki Browning in celebration of Carolyn Weiss’ birthday.
Prayers Are Requested For: Helen Stoll who had a fall last Saturday and is experiencing back and hip pain; Georgia Figgin as her cancer concerns have heightened; Becci Kerstetter who is undergoing chemotherapy; John Keunning as he recovers from hip surgery; Debbie Rimkus’ father, Phil White as his health declines and he enters hospice care.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: None
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters: Jan Thrun & Lisa Deen; Ushers: Harry & Nancy Wetzler; Lay Reader: Barbara Swartling; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Vicki Browning & Carolyn Weiss
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Jenny Harris; Hospitality Hosts: Jennie Harris
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce Mccain; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Sonja Selboe; Hospitality Hosts: Karen & Ed Kushner