November 4th Announcements
Faith Formation: There will be NO Sunday school or Adult Education this Sunday, Nov. 6. Children are invited to stay with their families for All Saints Day worship. Sunday school will resume as usual on Nov. 13.
Adult education will likewise resume on Nov. 13, when we begin a two-session discussion of Diana Butler Bass’ book, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. Note that it’s not necessary to purchase or read the book. We’ll hear from Bass herself in a short video clip followed by discussion on the points she raises. Please join us!
All Saints Day: This weekend, November 5th & 6th, we will celebrate All Saints Day, with lighting candles, ringing bells, and prayers. Please feel free to bring a photo of a loved one who has died to place on a table as you light a candle in remembrance.
Fall Back: Daylight Saving Time comes to end this weekend! Remember that clocks go back one hour on Saturday evening.
Men’s Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, November 8 at 8:00am. The Women’s Bible Study group will meet on Monday, November 14 at 9:30am. Both groups will meet in the fellowship hall.
New Member Sunday: We will receive and celebrate new members on Sunday, November 13. Bethany has a number of people who have expressed interest in being received as new members, and we are looking forward to celebrating this in gathering! Please contact Pastor Paul if you would like to join th group being received on November 13. or 206-842-4241
Returning to the Sanctuary: We are getting close to returning to our sanctuary! Carpet installation has begun and should be completed next week. Plan now to attend church Sunday, November 20 in our newly updated sanctuary and stay for a celebration lunch following worship. In order to have an idea of numbers for the lunch, please sign up by calling Debbie or adding your name(s) to the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board. Please note – there will be no Saturday service on November 19 so that we can celebrate the return to the sanctuary together.
Blessing of the Quilts and Kits: Last Sunday we blessed 34 quilts, 54 baby kits and 66 school supply kits! A huge thank you to the Rachel Circle for this amazing work and to the congregation for supporting this important ministry.
Supporting Martha & Mary: Our non-profit, senior care partners, Martha & Mary in Poulsbo, are planning an extra special holiday for the 100+ seniors in their care. Bethany hopes to help meet that goal by providing the following Christmas wish list items:
10 large gift bags (approximately 14” x 20”)
10 2023 calendars (12” x 12”)
10 large print word search and/or crossword puzzle books/magazines
5 men’s razor kits (such as the Gillette ProGlide),
5 packs (3 count) big, fluffy socks with non-skid feet. (Good quality socks survive their commercial wash cycles best)
Donations can be dropped off at the Bethany office. Martha & Mary hopes to have all donations in by November 11.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Dick and Mary Toepel Coar.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Barbara Michael; Hospitality Hosts: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Marcy Daley; Communion Assistant: Wayne Daley; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Barbara Swartling & Vicki Bech
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Carol Fenner; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Gail & Dave Christensen
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: David Swartling; Communion Assistant: Barbara Swartling; Hospitality Hosts: Nancy Wetzler & Maria Marsala