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Bethany’s FFF group invites you this coming Wednesday

Considering attending Bethany Lutheran Church? Come to the FFF meeting this coming Wednesday and meet some of the people who are part of this congregation. FFF is a group of that meets monthly for a potluck and presentation in Bethany’s fellowship hall. This Wednesday, members Pat and DeMar Sather will present a slideshow on their recent cruise to Central American and the Panama Canal. Come join us. All invited.

- Rachel Pritchett

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Look for 500-pillows article in “Living Lutheran”

Hi everyone,

As far as I know, I'll have an article in Living Lutheran on the recent effort here at Bethany to provide 500 pillows for refugees. In the piece, I do an overview of everything Bethany's done recently for refugee resettlement, as well as what's in store for the future. I anticipate that the piece will be in the June issue.

- Rachel Pritchett

Posted by Rachel Pritchett with

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