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Lenten devotion for Monday

Monday, March 5

Prompt #3 (Generosity)

Elana Zaiman, in her book “The Forever Letter” provides this prompt: “What are the 10 most important objects in your life? Did you acquire these objects on your own, or were they given to you?” To this we add, “Who, in cherishing an object in their life, would look to you as being the one who helped them appreciate it?” Write a note to the person who so generously shared with you.


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Lenten Devotions for Tuesday

Tuesday, February 27

Dear God and Creator,

Thank you for Your gifts to feed our souls. From Psalm 107:1, 9, “O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.” “For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”

You have provided food and drink for us, but Earth needs our help. Please guide us to protect our home, that we may lose these gifts for our journey. It too often feels that we are too late or that there are too many forces against us. Please help us find the strength to protect and help our human and animal brothers and sisters, the skies, the air, the land, and the waters which You provided through Your love for us. Keep our hope strong.

The natural world around us truly satisfies my thirst when my spirit feels drained and erases my hunger when my soul is despairing, whether through times of painful loss or illness; sadness over the fate of the poor and vulnerable, victims of war and persecution, environmental destruction; or despair at the future of our planet’s climate. Thank you for the gift of this beautifully glorious Earth and all its creation therein. One cannot truly see it without marveling at its beauty and miracle – and feel your love and strength – and hope.

The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please grant us the wisdom to see your everyday gifts of food and drink for our souls, and the wisdom to protect them. Let every bird, blossom, rock, and raindrop serve as a reminder of Your grace.


Christine Perkins

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