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April 11 Announcements

Calling all 8-12th graders!
Are you interested in knowing more about the church and its role in the world? Have you ever wondered what Bible teachings are still relevant to our lives today? Are you curious about how to live out your faith every day? Would you like a chance to get to know each other better and have some fun over good conversation? If so, we have just the ticket! Pastor Erin invites you to a series of three gatherings where we'll discuss these questions and more while we prepare ourselves for confirmation, which will be celebrated in worship in June. (You can read more about what confirmation means here.) Please let Pastor Erin know if you are interested so we can begin to shape the schedule. All are welcome! 

Forum Invitation!
Team Finch Green and consulting architect Jonathan Davis invite you to an informational forum this Sunday, April 14 at 11:00 AM, following worship! Much has been taking place since Bethany’s Annual Meeting in early February as the planning to translate an affordable housing vision into reality accelerates! Come and see updated drawings and learn about next steps in collaborating with Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB) and meetings and interactions with the Design Review Board and the Planning Commission of the City of Bainbridge Island. And, HRB Executive Director Phedra Elliott will also be in attendance! Questions and discussion will be invited and welcome!


Remembering DeMar Sather
A service to remember and celebrate the life of DeMar Sather will be held on Sunday, April 14 at 3:00pm. The service and a reception following will be held at Bethany. All are welcome. Please keep Pat and the Sather family in your prayers.


Supporting the Rachel Circle
Rachel Circle will be sending off our quilts, baby kits and fabric kits on May 3rd. They will be blessed during the services on April 27th and 28th. We are again asking the congregation to help us with the shipping costs. Lutheran World Relief incurs the expense of shipping each item to its final destination: $2.80 per quilt, $3.10 per baby kit, $1.80 per fabric kit. Due to your generosity, in the past the Rachel Circle has been able to send enough to cover the shipping costs for our quilts and kits, plus more to help cover other congregations that are unable to send shipping cost donations. Envelopes to contribute towards shipping costs will be in the bulletin or available on the table in the narthex. If you are interested in getting involved with the Rachel Circle either on their regular Tuesday mornings or through things that you can do at home on your own time, please contact Jennie Harris at  .  Thank you for the support you show this important ministry. 

Generous Bethanians
The Annual Martha and Mary Generations of Care Gala and Auction will kick off with an on-line catalog of items for bidding on May 20, ending on May 30th. Individuals, families, groups, and churches are encouraged to donate items for the auction.  Themed baskets i.e. Family Game Night, A Spa Day, Outdoor Game baskets, Gardening baskets, perhaps coupled with gift certificates or tickets for events, restaurants, and/or local businesses are just a few suggestions that can be put together for bidding. Items should be presented to the Poulsbo campus of Martha and Mary by April 30. Proceeds this year will benefit our Silverdale early childhood and learning center. Each donation needs to be accompanied by a descriptive statement about the item’s value as well as the name(s) of the donor.  For more information, please contact Linnea Chu or Benay Nordby.  

Two-evening Film Event
Grace Episcopal Church invites members of Bethany to the second of their two-evening film event focusing on the question “Who is my neighbor?" The second film will be shown on Tuesday, April 16 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The film is Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance. In this powerful award-winning film, director Melinda Raebyne embeds herself one winter at one of Seattle’s homeless camps, Camp Second Chance. Ms. Raebyne will be at the screening and participate in a discussion after focusing on individuals experiencing homelessness. All are welcome and there is no charge.

St. Barnabas Episcopal’s Schola Nova will sing Vespers on Sunday, April 28th, at 6:00 PM. This contemplative service marks the transition from day to evening -- a pause for prayer and praise. Join us for beautiful music at this midpoint of the Easter season! 

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Gail and Dave Christensen in memory of DeMar Sather and Vince Mattson.   

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Barbara Swartling
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Host: Kristi Sutton & Becci Kerstetter                

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Nancy Wetzler
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Rachel Pritchett; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett; Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: David & Barbara Swartling; Lay Reader: Linda Knudson; Communion Assistant: Barbara Swartling; Hospitality Host: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

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April 4 Announcements

Sunday School at Bethany
We hope our school-aged church family members have enjoyed a happy and restful spring break! Sunday school will not be held on Sunday, April 7. This falls at the end of spring break, and we pause Sunday school on the first Sunday of every month so that people of all ages can worship together in the sanctuary! Sunday School with Mrs. Dudgeon will resume on April 14.


Forum Invitation!
Team Finch Green and consulting architect Jonathan Davis invite you to an informational forum on Sunday, April 14 at 11:00 AM, following worship! Much has been taking place since Bethany’s Annual Meeting in early February as the planning to translate an affordable housing vision into reality accelerates! Come and see updated drawings and learn about next steps in collaborating with Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB) and meetings and interactions with the Design Review Board and the Planning Commission of the City of Bainbridge Island. Questions and discussion will be welcome!

Remembering DeMar Sather
A service to remember and celebrate the life of DeMar Sather will be held on Sunday, April 14 at 3:00pm. The service and a reception following will be held at Bethany. All are welcome.


Book Drive a Huge Success!
Thanks to all the Bethany members who cleared out their bookshelves and bought new books for children in families without resources to purchase their own. Two bags of Spanish and Spanish/English books went to Kitsap Immigration Assistance Center. Annika, from the Center, was delighted to received them as they have a great need for these books, and they are often difficult to procure. We have many more beautiful books that will be delivered to Helpline later this week. Thanks again for your efforts and generosity.

Mary Jensen and the Fellowship Committee.


Supporting the Rachel Circle
Rachel Circle will be sending off our quilts, baby kits and fabric kits on May 3rd. They will be blessed during the services on April 27th and 28th. We are again asking the congregation to help us with the shipping costs. Lutheran World Relief incurs the expense of shipping each item to its final destination: $2.80 per quilt, $3.10 per baby kit, $1.80 per fabric kit. Due to your generosity, in the past the Rachel Circle has been able to send enough to cover the shipping costs for our quilts and kits, plus more to help cover other congregations that are unable to send shipping cost donations. Envelopes to contribute towards shipping costs will be in the bulletin or available on the table in the narthex. If you are interested in getting involved with the Rachel Circle either on their regular Tuesday mornings or through things that you can do at home on your own time, please contact Jennie Harris at  .  Thank you for the support you show this important ministry.

Amabile Spring Concert
Amabile Choir, under the amazing direction of our own Sylvia Cauter, invites you to their spring concert All of Us. Concerts will be held at Bethany on Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13 at 7:30pm. North Kitsap Vocal Point, under the direction of Julie Gallant, will be special guests at the Friday and Saturday evening concerts. The concert will also be performed at St. Cecilia Parish on Saturday, April 13 at 2:00pm and feature special guests Sakai Intermediate Choir under the direction of Katie Gibbs. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Dana’s on Bainbridge, or online at https://amabilechoir.org/events/.

BINK Interfaith Council Spring Concert
The Bainbridge Island North Kitsap Interfaith Council will present a Spring Concert on Sunday, April 7at 3:00pm. The concert will take place at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church. The Bethany Choir will be participating in the concert, which will be a wonderful time of sharing songs and musical offerings from the wide and diverse faith community. All are welcome.

Generous Bethanians
The Annual Martha and Mary Generations of Care Gala and Auction will kick off with an on-line catalog of items for bidding on May 20, ending on May 30th. Individuals, families, groups, and churches are encouraged to donate items for the auction.  Themed baskets i.e. Family Game Night, A Spa Day, Outdoor Game baskets, Gardening baskets, perhaps coupled with gift certificates or tickets for events, restaurants, and/or local businesses are just a few suggestions that can be put together for bidding. Items should be presented to the Poulsbo campus of Martha and Mary by April 30. Proceeds this year will benefit our Silverdale early childhood and learning center. Each donation needs to be accompanied by a descriptive statement about the item’s value as well as the name(s) of the donor.  For more information, please contact Linnea Chu or Benay Nordby.   

Two-evening Film Event
Grace Episcopal Church invites members of Bethany to their two-evening film event focusing on the question “Who is my neighbor?" The films will be shown on Tuesday, April 9 and Tuesday, April 16 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The first film is critically acclaimed Minari. The semi-autobiographical film is about a Korean family who decide to start over on a small farm in Arkansas. A discussion focused on immigration will follow the film. The second film is Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance. In this powerful award-winning film, director Melinda Raebyne embeds herself one winter at one of Seattle’s homeless camps, Camp Second Chance. Ms. Raebyne will be at the screening and participate in a discussion after focusing on individuals experiencing homelessness. All are welcome and there is no charge. 

HRB Event
HRB is hosting A Legacy of Harm: Racial covenants in Washington State and Kitsap County on Thursday, April 11 at 8:00pm. The event will be held at the Bainbridge Public Library. Discover the hidden history of segregation in Washington state with the Racial Restrictive Covenants Project. Despite being outlawed, racist restrictions persist in property records across the state — a toxic residue from an era when local governments actively promoted racial segregation. Join University of Washington researchers in exploring the local impact of housing segregation, the legacy of these practices on our communities, the archival research process, and the Covenants Homeownership Account Act (HB 1474), a landmark bill that will provide financial assistance to victims of racial restrictive covenants and their descendants. For more information and to register for free tickets visit https://www.housingresourcesbi.org/events/  

Altar Flowers: Easter Lilies provided by the Altar Guild 

Prayers are Requested: for Pat Sather and the Sather family as they mourn the death of DeMar; for the Mattson family as they mourn the death of Vince; for Pastor Marty Dasler who will undergo shoulder replacement surgery next week; for the families and colleagues of the seven World Central Kitchen staff members killed in Gaza. 

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Carol Fenner
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Tom & Luanne Croker; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Barbara Deines; Hospitality Host: Vicki Browning                

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: TBD
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Host: Kristi Sutton & Becci Kerstetter

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