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April 24 Announcements

A Note from Pastor Erin
This week, we continue our Eastertide theme of "Signs and Wonders" by exploring the love we experience as God's children in Christ and the love we are called to reflect back to each other. Sometimes loving each other is hard--not everyone is easy to love! But we can't say we love God and then not love each other. When we are in a relationship with Jesus, we learn how to love even in the most difficult situations, and that is how we bear fruit that will make our world a better place! What a wonder-filled gift to offer in gratitude to God. We love because God first loved us!

Calling all 8-12th graders!
Calling all 8-12th graders! Are you interested in knowing more about the church and its role in the world? Have you ever wondered what Bible teachings are still relevant to our lives today? Are you curious about how to live out your faith every day? Would you like a chance to get to know each other better and have some fun over good conversation? If so, we have just the ticket! Pastor Erin invites you to a series of three gatherings: Sunday 4/28, 5/5, and 5/19 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall. We’ll discuss these questions and more while we prepare ourselves for confirmation, which will be celebrated in worship on June 2. (You can read more about what confirmation means here.) Please let Pastor Erin know if you are interested. All are welcome!

Blessing the Quilts
This weekend our sanctuary will be graced once again with 82 beautiful quilts, 18 fabric kits and 53 baby kits made by the Rachel Circle. The quilts and kits will be blessed during the worship services and then packed up and sent to Lutheran World Relief who sends the quilts and kits all over the world to people in need. Lutheran World Relief incurs the expense of shipping the quilts and kits to their final destination. Due to your generosity, in the past the Rachel Circle has been able to send enough to cover the shipping costs for our quilts and kits, plus more to help cover other congregations that are unable to send shipping cost donations. Envelopes to contribute towards shipping costs are available on the table in the narthex. If you are interested in getting involved with the Rachel Circle either on their regular Tuesday mornings or through things that you can do at home on your own time, please contact Jennie Harris at  .  Thank you for the support you show this important ministry.


A Thank You from Lutheran World Relief
Bethany has a long history of supporting Lutheran World Relief through the efforts of the Rachel Circle as well as occasional fundraisers and benevolent giving. Check out the lovely thank you message from LWR to the Rachel Circle and see just a few of the places and people who have been helped over the years on the hallway bulletin board.  

May Bible Study
The Rachel Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, May 7 at 10:00am. The Women’s Bible Study and Book group will meet on Monday, May 13 at 9:30am. The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 8:00am. All Bible study groups meet in the fellowship hall.

Supporting Martha & Mary
Thanks to Bethany’s generous 2023 Auction contributions, Martha & Mary opened a beautiful new childcare center in Poulsbo this past January. Our 2024 campaign will benefit improvements to the Silverdale Childcare and Learning Center. Over 700 families are served by these facilities with a waitlist of 300 children. The 2024 online auction begins on May 20 and culminates on May 30. Gift cards, memberships, entertainment certificates and themed ‘baskets’ like Family Fun Night, Garden Work, Spa Party are examples of popular items. If you would like to donate funds towards an auction item, your Bethany delegates (Lynn Nordby, Kristi Sutton, Benay Nordby and Linnea Chu) will be happy to assemble themed baskets. Please make a check out to Bethany with Martha & Mary in the memo line. Envelopes to contribute towards auction items are available on the table in the narthex. Questions? Please see any of your delegates.  


Spring Concert
Ovation Performing Arts presents Crescendo! in Concert. The concert, “Razzle Dazzle Spring”, will take place on Monday, May 6, 7:00pm here at Bethany. Admission is free although donations are gratefully accepted.  


St. Barnabas Episcopal’s Schola Nova will sing Vespers on Sunday, April 28th, at 6:00 PM. This contemplative service marks the transition from day to evening -- a pause for prayer and praise. Join us for beautiful music at this midpoint of the Easter season!


Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Luanne and Tom Croker in celebration of families. 

Prayers are requested: For Lynn Nordby as he recovers from hip surgery; for Lynn’s brother Martin as he recovers from bowl surgery; for Nancy Wetzler as she recovers from knee surgery; for Helen Stoll’s sister Kris who is undergoing testing. 

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Linnea Chu/Alice McCain
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Doug Dudgeon; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Karen Kushner & Vicki Browning               

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Vickie Bech
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Debbie & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Barbara Swartling; Communion Assistant: Barbara Swartling; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

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April 18 Announcements

A Note from Pastor Erin
Eastertide greetings! This week in worship, we will continue the Easter theme of "wonder" as we consider the promise of resurrection and what it means for our lives today. Last week, we explored the "wonder" of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus and how his resurrected body promises the restoration of our own broken bodies. This week is Good Shepherd Sunday, when we hear about how Jesus is a good caretaker of his flock. He provides everything we need to live a life of abundance in the here and now. It's truly a wonder—a marvel, really—to think that we don't have to go to the ends of the earth in search of fulfillment. It's already here! 

Calling all 8-12th graders!
Calling all 8-12th graders! Are you interested in knowing more about the church and its role in the world? Have you ever wondered what Bible teachings are still relevant to our lives today? Are you curious about how to live out your faith every day? Would you like a chance to get to know each other better and have some fun over good conversation? If so, we have just the ticket! Pastor Erin invites you to a series of three gatherings: Sunday 4/28, 5/5, and 5/19 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall. We’ll discuss these questions and more while we prepare ourselves for confirmation, which will be celebrated in worship on June 2. (You can read more about what confirmation means here.) Please let Pastor Erin know if you are interested. All are welcome!

Supporting Martha & Mary
Thanks to Bethany’s generous 2023 Auction contributions, Martha & Mary opened a beautiful new childcare center in Poulsbo this past January. Our 2024 campaign will benefit improvements to the Silverdale Childcare and Learning Center. Over 700 families are served by these facilities with a waitlist of 300 children. The 2024 online auction begins on May 20 and culminates on May 30. Gift cards, memberships, entertainment certificates and themed ‘baskets’ like Family Fun Night, Garden Work, Spa Party are examples of popular items. If you would like to donate funds towards an auction item, your Bethany delegates (Lynn Nordby, Kristi Sutton, Benay Nordby and Linnea Chu) will be happy to assemble themed baskets. Please make a check out to Bethany with Martha & Mary in the memo line. Envelopes to contribute towards auction items are available on the table in the narthex. Questions? Please see any of your delegates.  

Supporting the Rachel Circle
Rachel Circle will be sending off our quilts, baby kits and fabric kits on May 3rd. They will be blessed during the services on April 27th and 28th. We are again asking the congregation to help us with the shipping costs. Lutheran World Relief incurs the expense of shipping each item to its final destination: $2.80 per quilt, $3.10 per baby kit, $1.80 per fabric kit. Due to your generosity, in the past the Rachel Circle has been able to send enough to cover the shipping costs for our quilts and kits, plus more to help cover other congregations that are unable to send shipping cost donations. Envelopes to contribute towards shipping costs are available on the table in the narthex. If you are interested in getting involved with the Rachel Circle either on their regular Tuesday mornings or through things that you can do at home on your own time, please contact Jennie Harris at  .  Thank you for the support you show this important ministry.


Spring Concert
Ovation Performing Arts presents Crescendo! in Concert. The concert, “Razzle Dazzle Spring”, will take place on Monday, May 6, 7:00pm here at Bethany. Admission is free although donations are gratefully accepted.   

St. Barnabas Episcopal’s Schola Nova will sing Vespers on Sunday, April 28th, at 6:00 PM. This contemplative service marks the transition from day to evening -- a pause for prayer and praise. Join us for beautiful music at this midpoint of the Easter season!


Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Vicki Browning in gratitude for loving family.

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Nancy Wetzler
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Lloyd Pritchett; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett; Hospitality Host: Jenny Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Linda Knudson; Communion Assistant: Barbara Swartling; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus               

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Linnea Chu/Alice McCain
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Doug Dudgeon; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Karen Kushner & Vicki Browning

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