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Bethany's talented photographers contribute to site

Here are a couple photos from Joe Michael, a retired CBS newsman who lives on the north tip of the island and who is a member of Bethany. These were taken early this morning, looking east toward the Cascades. I've appreciated Joe's work over the years, in different contexts including here at Bethany.

If you look at the rotating window on this site, you'll see some stunning photography by another of our photographer volunteers, Doug Olson. The statue is of St. Francis. It's located in our Memorial Garden and was made by the well-known sculptor Paul Granlund.

- Rachel Pritchett

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Congratulations to Dick Heine

Bethany member Dick Heine received recognition for his work with refugees during last Sunday's annual meeting. A resolution was unanimously passed honoring him for overseeing extensive work for refugees. That work included gathering many items left over from the Rotary Auction, and overseeing the making of 53 "kits" of items for refugees' apartments. In all, some 12 refugees apartments were furnished by the efforts. Heine received a standing ovation.

- Rachel Pritchett

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