October 19 Announcements
Faith Formation: Join us for Sunday school this week! We meet in the Education Building after the children's message in worship. This week our theme is Jesus' compassion for those he met along his travels. We'll talk about how we can show a similar compassion for the people we meet in life--especially those who need extra care. We'll have discussions, snacks, and activities.
Have you ever wondered what makes a good life? What makes life meaningful and gives you a sense of purpose? These are questions addressed in a newly published book, Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most," by Miroslav Volf and two of his colleagues (who happen to be former professors of Pastor Erin). Our Adult Education Forum will meet on Sunday to discuss these important questions--and since it's such a compelling conversation, we'll continue the discussion on Sunday, Oct. 29! There's no need to read the book, although if you're interested, Eagle Harbor Books has ordered copies for us, and if you mention you're a member of Bethany, you'll get a 15% discount. Come for what promises to be a great conversation! We'll meet in the sanctuary right after worship.
Confirmation Class: The next confirmation class will be on Monday, October 23, 2:00pm at Woodward Middle School.
Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, October 24 at 8:00am.
Performance of Doubt: All October 21 Jewel Box Theater goers: If you would like to carpool, please meet at the Bethany parking lot at 6:30 for the 7:30 show. Seating is by "first come, first to get the best seats" so we don't want to arrive at the last minute. There are no paper tickets. The theater has everyone's name and you will check in on arrival. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Bethany Variety Show: Mark your calendars for "The Better Than Average (?) Variety Show”, Nov 4 at Bethany. Beverages--wine and non-alcoholic options--and light hors d'oeuvres at 6:00. Show starts at 7:00. The recipient for the funds collected is World Central Kitchen. (https://wck.org for more information) Come see your Bethany friends and people from the community at large entertain with music, skits, dance, and poetry!
Reformation Sunday & Blessing the Quilts: Plan now to wear red the weekend of October 28/29 as we celebrate Reformation Sunday. We will also be blessing the quilts, baby kits and school supply kits made by the Rachel Circle. You can support the wonderful work of the Rachel Circle by making a donation towards the shipping of the quilts. Look for a donation envelope in your bulletin. And speaking of quilts, check out the amazing Quilt of Valor below given to our own Wayne Daley.
3rd Quarter Giving Statements: The 3rd Quarter Giving Statements were mailed earlier this week. Kristi Sutton, our financial secretary, is away for the next few weeks. If you have questions about your statement, or need a duplicate copy, email Debbie at .
Debbie Out of the Office: Debbie is out of the office until Tuesday, October 24 as she helps granddaughter Marin celebrate her first birthday.
Suquamish Tribe Raffle: The Suquamish Tribe is holding a raffle to raise funds for Tribal Elders to travel to Hawaii. The item being raffled is none other than the woven cedar hat like Barbara Lawrence wore when she came to Bethany to share the Suquamish history in early October. The photo below has more information about the raffle. If you're interested in buying a ticket, Barbara prefers Venmo or PayPal. If that's difficult for you, please let Pastor Erin know and she can help facilitate.
Walking St. Cuthbert’s Way: You are invited for an evening of beautiful landscapes, art and architecture, and the spirituality of pilgrimage on Tuesday, October 24, 7:00pm at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. With stunning photographs and pilgrim tales, the Rev. Jim Friedrich will take you into the medieval world of the most beloved of Britain’s northern saints, following a 100-kilometer pilgrimage trail from Scotland’s Melrose Abbey to Northumbira’s Holy Island. A visit to Cuthbert’s tomb at Durham Cathedral, one of the world’s most awesome sacred spaces, concluded his unforgettable journey. All are welcome to join this event.
Compline Services: Compline services will be offered once again this year on the first Sunday of the month at St Cecilia’s Church at 7:00pm The next compline service will be Sunday, November 5.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Vicki Browning in memory of Jess and Susan.
Congratulations: to Steven Selvar & Stephanie Taylor who were married on October 14 at Suyumatsu Farm.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Linnea Chu/Alice McCain
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett: Hospitality Host: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Barbara Deines; Hospitality Host: Becci Kerstetter & Karen Kushner
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Luanne & Tom Croker; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen: Hospitality Host: Carolyn & Randy Weiss
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Debbie & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Host: Debbie & Andy Rimkus