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February 3 Announcements

Lenten Devotionals: Pastor Paul is soliciting submissions for our 2022 Lenten Devotional. The theme is “Lost and Found”, a common Biblical theme. This can perhaps be a theme we can expound upon in light of the pandemic of the past two years. The invitation is to briefly share something that was lost during that time (a death, a missed event, an inability to visit, sickness, etc.), and then also to share something you found/discovered, either related to the loss or not (new ways of connecting, various kindnesses, a new appreciation, the gift of solitude, etc.). If you can identify a way you see God at work in the “Lost/Found” dynamic, please share that as well. We are looking for about 30 of these submissions, so feel free to contribute more than one. Pastor Paul would like to have them by Sunday, Feb. 20th. Questions? Call the church office. (206-842-4241)

Affordable Housing Discussion: Members of the Bethany Affordable Housing Task Force will be giving a presentation on the current status of our affordable housing initiative after the 10am worship service this Sunday. They will also be ready to answer questions from the congregation. Please plan to stay after worship for this important discussion.

Annual Meeting and Report: Thank you to all who attended the 2022 Annual Meeting. A quorum was achieved, a 2022 budget passed, and new council members elected. And the 2021 Bethany Annual Report is now ready for your reading pleasure! Click  here to read the report or pick up a copy in the church library.

Worship in February: While the COVID transmission rate is decreasing, case numbers remain high. We will continue to suspend the Saturday evening worship service and Sunday morning coffee fellowship hour for a few more weeks. We will broadcast the Sunday morning service through our FM channel 87.9. Bulletins, a hymn booklet and communion elements will be available on a table under the bell tower for those worshiping in their car.

Bible Study in February: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 8 at 8am in Fellowship Hall. The Women’s Bible Study group will meet Monday, February 14 via Zoom.

Interfaith Advocacy Day: Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day is happening on Thursday, February 10. Register by February 4 for your best chance at a meeting with your legislator or their aide. FAN’s Virtual Interfaith Advocacy Day brings voices of compassion and justice to our elected leaders. They partner with people of faith and conscience to learn about and advance bills that support economic justice, fair taxation, police accountability and criminal justice system reform, affordable housing and homelessness prevention, environmental protections, immigrant and refugee rights, gun safety, civil rights, racial justice, and access to healthcare. Click here for more information or to register.

Martha and Mary Virtual Auction: The Martha and Mary Generations of Caring virtual auction is scheduled for March 26, 2022. At a recent Martha and Mary committee meeting, Bethany was singled out for rave reviews and heartfelt gratitude because of our generosity and creativity in the lovely-themed baskets and coveted quilts that we donated last year. So, expectations have been raised!!  Please stay tuned for how you can contribute to this vital and worthy cause of serving seniors and children through Martha and Mary’s various programs in Kitsap county. Questions?  Please contact Helen Stoll - - or Linnea Enz Chu -

Altar Flowers: This weekend’s altar flowers are provided by the Altar Guild. Please consider signing up for a special date that you would like to honor an event or remember a special person.  A sign up sheet is available on the hallway bulletin board. Select either A - you will provide the arrangement, or B - altar guild will do the arrangement and you will provide the check [there is an envelope to put the money in by the calendar]. 

Prayers are Requested for: Jan Thrun’s sister, Arlene who is struggling with high blood pressure and other health issues; Lynn Norby’s sister-in-law, Jackie who has has been admitted to the hospital with COVID related pneumonia.

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January 27 Announcements

Annual Meeting: The 2022 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 30th at 11:30am. The meeting will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link along with links to the materials needed for the meeting are below. Please plan to join the Zoom meeting by 11:20 so we can determine a quorum exists and start the meeting at 11:30. The agenda for the Annual Meeting includes passing a 2022 budget, approving the 2021 Annual Meeting minutes and election of 2022 council members and 2022 nominating committee members. You may want to print out the proposed budget and documentation since it will be referred to during that part of the meeting. Printed materials are also available on a table in the narthex.

Join Zoom Meeting

2022 Annual Meeting Agenda

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

2022 Proposed Budget and Documentation

2021 Balance Sheet

Worship in February: Since the COVID case numbers remain high, the Saturday evening worship service and Sunday morning coffee fellowship hour will be suspended for a few more weeks. We will continue to broadcast the Sunday morning service through our FM channel 87.9. Bulletins, a hymn booklet and communion elements will be available on a table under the bell tower for those worshiping in their car.

Rachel Circle Bible Study: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 1 at 10am. Study materials are available in the library.

Caring Hearts: The Caring Hearts Directing Team meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, January 20 and postponed, has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 3 at 9:30am.

Martha and Mary Virtual Auction: The Martha and Mary Generations of Caring virtual auction is scheduled for March 26, 2022. At a recent Martha and Mary committee meeting, Bethany was singled out for rave reviews and heartfelt gratitude because of our generosity and creativity in the lovely-themed baskets and coveted quilts that we donated last year. So, expectations have been raised!!  Please stay tuned for how you can contribute to this vital and worthy cause of serving seniors and children through Martha and Mary’s various programs in Kitsap county. Questions?  Please contact Helen Stoll - - or Linnea Enz Chu -

Year End Statements: Year-end giving statements were mailed last week. Please review your statement when you receive it. If you have any questions concerning the statement, contact our financial secretary, Kristi Sutton. If you do not receive your statement by the end of January, please contact Debbie in the office to get another copy.

Altar Flowers: This weekend’s altar flowers are provided by the Altar Guild. Please consider signing up for a special date that you would like to honor an event or remember a special person.  A sign up sheet is available on the hallway bulletin board. Select either A - you will provide the arrangement, or B - altar guild will do the arrangement and you will provide the check [there is an envelope to put the money in by the calendar]. 

Prayers are Requested for: Jan Thrun’s sister, Arlene who is struggling with high blood pressure and other health issues; Lynn Norby’s sister-in-law, Jackie who has COVID symptoms.

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