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March 31 Announcements

Pancake and Prayer Breakfast: Our next Pancake and Prayer Breakfast will be this Sunday, April 3rd at 9:15am. This is family friendly, and all are welcome to join this time of pancakes, prayer and a Bible story. Coffee fellowship will still follow the 10:00am worship service.

Rachel Circle Bible Study: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, April 5th at 10am.

Altar Guild Meeting: The Altar Guild will hold its next brown bag lunch and meeting on Wednesday, April 6th at noon.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Prayer Service: Our last Lenten soup supper will be this Wednesday, April 6 at 6pm. The Lenten Daily Devotionals for the week ahead will be available through the website on Sunday and in printed form in the narthex. 

Holy Week at Bethany: Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on April 10th. There will be a Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on April 14th and a Good Friday service at 7pm on April 15th. We will celebrate Easter at our Saturday evening 5pm service and our Sunday morning 10am service.

Children’s Sunday Morning Program: There will be no special Children’s Sunday morning program on Palm Sunday (April 10) or Easter Sunday (April 17) so that families can experience the Holy Week worship services together. Sunday morning programming for children will return on April 24th.

A Quilt Silent Auction: Rachel Circle will be auctioning the three quilts on display in the fellowship hall beginning April 2 through April 17 (Easter). Get your bid in soon. Bid sheets are on clipboards in the fellowship hall. Proceeds will be given to Lutheran World Relief.

Bethany is Hiring!: With the decline of the Covid transmission rate, Bethany is ready to bring back children’s Sunday morning programming! We are searching for a part-time Children and Family Coordinator. The position description is available on our website or by clicking here. If you, or someone you know, are interested in the position, contact Debbie in the office for more information.

Prayers are Requested for: Steve and Chris Christensen’s sister-in-law Gretchen who has been hospitalized with an infection; Tricia Siburg and her family as she battles breast cancer; Carlton Anderson and his family as his health declines.

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March 17 Announcements

***Worship Protocols at Bethany: In accordance with current Washington State and CDC guidance, masks are now optional. Masks are encouraged for anyone who may be at higher risk for Covid-19, or who is more comfortable wearing a mask. We will continue to provide a "drive-in" option through our FM channel 87.9 for those who are not feeling well or are not comfortable with an inside setting.***

Pancake and Prayer Breakfast: Our next Pancake and Prayer Breakfast will be this Sunday, March 20th at 9:15am. This is family friendly, and all are welcome to join this time of pancakes, prayer and a Bible story. Coffee fellowship will still follow the 10:00am worship service.

Men’s Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, March 22 at 8am.

Lenten Soup Suppers and Prayer Service: Our Lenten soup suppers will continue for the next three Wednesdays, March 23, 30 and April 6. The Lenten Daily Devotionals for the week ahead will be available through the website on Sunday and in printed form in the narthex. 

Debbie Out of the Office: Debbie will be away on vacation next week. While Pastor Paul will be in most days, the office will not be open. Debbie will keep an eye on her email but won’t be able to respond to any requests until she returns on Tuesday, March 29.

Children’s Sunday Morning Program: Next Sunday morning (March 27), the children will be released to their lesson while the congregation sings “Amazing Grace”. They will be learning about the Parable of the Lost Coin, doing so with a Treasure (Coins) Hunt in the Education Building.

Martha & Mary Online Auction: The Martha and Mary “Generations of Care” online silent auction opens on this Friday, March 18th, and concludes with a virtual ‘live’ event on Saturday, March 26th. Click here for more information and to register for the event.

A Quilt Silent Auction: Have you noticed the quilts on display in the fellowship hall? Would you like to own one? Rachel Circle will be hosting a silent auction for your bid on one or more of these beautiful quilts. Proceeds from the auction will benefit Lutheran World Relief. Watch the announcements for more details soon.

Baby Kit Members Need your Help; The Baby Kit team makes receiving blankets and diapers from used flannel sheets or pieces at least 22" by 27". They are low on flannel. If you have sheets you have been thinking about replacing, please remember them. They can also use men's large or larger cotton t-shirts for diapers. Women's XL or larger would probably work too. If the shirts have pictures or writing on them no problem. If the necks are stretched or yellowed, no problem, they don't use that part.  And if you have sheets that aren't flannel, the Quilters can usually use them. Thanks for your help, Marlene Orwiler, Rachel Circle member.

Bethany is Hiring!: With the decline of the Covid transmission rate, Bethany is ready to bring back children’s Sunday morning programming! We are searching for a part-time Children and Family Coordinator. The position description is available on our website or by clicking here. If you, or someone you know, are interested in the position, contact Debbie in the office for more information.

Thrivent Choice: Thrivent Choice, the chartable grant program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans continues to be a welcome funding source for Bethany.  If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, you likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help support Bethany.  If you currently own an insurance product or annuity you are probably earning Thrivent Choice Dollars each month.  If you feel you are eligible to participate in Choice Dollars, or are uncertain about your eligibility, visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or contact Bethany treasurer, Jim Rohrscheib. Remember, Choice Dollars earned by eligible benefit members in 2021 must be distributed no later than March 31, 2022. Your community.  Your support.  Your Choice.

Ukraine Crisis: Please hold the people of Ukraine in your prayers during this time of crisis. Both Lutheran World Relief (www.lwr.org/match) and Lutheran Community Services Northwest (www.lcsnw.org) welcome donations that will support refugees and humanitarian needs.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:

          Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Jim Rohrscheib; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am - Ushers/Greeters: Claire & Marty Dasler; Lay Reader: Claire Dasler; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Karen & Ed Kushner

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Host: Gail Christensen
           Sunday 10:00am - Ushers/Greeters: Nancy & Harry Wetzler; Lay Reader: Harry Wetzler; Communion Assistant: Barbara Swartling; Hospitality Hosts: Andy Rimkus

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