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August 4 Announcements

A Cookout and Root Beer Floats!: Plan to come this Saturday, August 6 for a cookout following the 5pm service. We will be grilling burgers and hot dogs to be enjoyed with chips provided by Bethany. Everyone is welcome to bring a side dish or salad to round out the meal. The Sunday, August 7 service will be followed by root beer floats. Saturday services for the remainder of the summer will be in fellowship hall with Sunday services on the patio. While the patio services are not amplified, the FM channel (87.9) will be available throughout the summer for the Saturday evening services for those who are more comfortable listening to the service in their car.

August Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet at 8am on Tuesday, August 9. The Women’s Bible Study group is on hiatus for the summer and will begin again in September.

Next FFF Gathering: The next FFF gathering will be on Wednesday, August 10 at noon. We will enjoy a potluck lunch followed by an ice cream social. Bethany will provide the ice cream and toppings. You bring your favorite side dish, salad or entrée. Let us know you will be attending by filling in the sign-up sheet on the hallway bulletin board or by calling Debbie in the office.

Holden Evening Prayer: The 5pm service next Saturday, August 13 will be Holden Evening Prayer. The FM channel (87.9) will be available for this service for those who want to worship from the safety of the car.

Blackberry Weekend: Let’s celebrate blackberry season with a blackberry weekend! Bring your favorite blackberry dish to share during the fellowship hour on Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21.

LWR School Kit supplies needed: Back-to-school supplies sales are already happening! Again this year Bethany people will make book bags to be filled and sent to school children around the world through Lutheran World Relief. We will fill and ship the book bags in October, for delivery in early November, when we also send quilts and baby kits. We’d love your help! Scan store sales ads for school supplies, purchase some of the items, and bring them to the labeled box in the narthex. Needed items include: 70-sheet spiral notebooks (wide- or college-ruled), 30-centimeter or inches/centimeter rulers; pencil sharpeners; blunt/safety scissors; unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); boxes of 16 or 24 crayons; 2 and ½ inch erasers. More supply lists are also in the box. Office Depot/Office Max, Staples, Target, WalMart, Fred Meyer, Amazon, etc. may have what you want at good sale prices. Last year we shipped 81 school kits! With donations of supplies and book bags from many Bethanians, who knows? Maybe we’ll send 100 this fall!

Supporting Martha & Mary: At the last Martha and Mary Church and Community Committee meeting, it was decided that sponsoring churches would select a month to supply treats for the M and M staffers (nearly 400 strong) when they have to get regularly tested for Covid. (Currently, twice weekly.) The CEO says it’s a great morale booster for staff to know that people in churches are thinking about them. Bethany’s month is this September, and we will collect donations throughout the month of August. Treats/snacks must be individually commercially packaged; people can either donate actual snacks or contribute $$ for purchases. Ideas include granola bars, single serve bags of popcorn, nuts, chips, jerky sticks, fruit rollups, and/or individual beverage containers. Please put items in a basket provided in the fellowship hall; checks, made out to Bethany designating Martha & Mary in the memo line, should be placed in the offering plate, or given to Debbie in the Bethany office. Thank you for your generosity and for your support of these vital healthcare workers.  

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Anne Howard Lindquist in gratitude for Gwen and Bill Howard.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Kathy Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Doug & Kathy Dudgeon (Cookout Saturday!)
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Marcy Daley; Communion Assistant: Wayne Daley; Hospitality Host: Pastor Paul (Root Beer Floats!)

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Hosts: Jim & Veronika Rohrscheib
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: David & Barbara Swartling; Lay Reader: David Swartling; Communion Assistant: Bruce McCain; Hospitality Hosts: Alice McCain & Miriam Barringer

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July 28 Announcements

Summer Worship: For the remainder of the summer, the 5pm Saturday service will be in fellowship hall (which is air conditioned!) and the 10am Sunday service will be on the patio. And plan now for a cookout following the Saturday, August 6 service. We will be grilling burgers and hot dogs to be enjoyed with chips and root beer floats. Everyone is welcome to bring a side dish or salad to round out the meal. The Sunday, August 7 service will be followed by root beer floats.

August Bible Study: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will meet at 10am on Tuesday, August 2. The Men’s Bible Study group will meet at 8am on Tuesday, August 9. The Women’s Bible Study group is on hiatus for the summer and will begin again in September.

Next FFF Gathering: The next FFF gathering will be on Wednesday, August 10 at noon. We will enjoy a potluck lunch followed by an ice cream social. Bethany will provide the ice cream and toppings. You bring your favorite side dish, salad or entrée. Let us know you will be attending by filling in the sign-up sheet on the hallway bulletin board or by calling Debbie in the office.

Blood Drive at Bethany: Bloodworks Northwest is holding a blood drive at Bethany today and tomorrow, Friday, July 29. There are still openings tomorrow at 2:00pm and 3:00pm. The need for blood doesn’t take a vacation. If you are able, please consider making an appointment for tomorrow. Masks are required. Thank you for being a LIFE SAVER! Schedule.BloodworksNW.org or call 1-800-398-7888.”

LWR School Kit supplies needed: Back-to-school supplies sales are already happening! Again this year Bethany people will make book bags to be filled and sent to school children around the world through Lutheran World Relief. We will fill and ship the book bags in October, for delivery in early November, when we also send quilts and baby kits. We’d love your help! Scan store sales ads for school supplies, purchase some of the items, and bring them to the labeled box in the narthex. Needed items include: 70-sheet spiral notebooks (wide- or college-ruled), 30-centimeter or inches/centimeter rulers; pencil sharpeners; blunt/safety scissors; unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); boxes of 16 or 24 crayons; 2 and ½ inch erasers. More supply lists are also in the box. Office Depot/Office Max, Staples, Target, WalMart, Fred Meyer, Amazon, etc. may have what you want at good sale prices. Last year we shipped 81 school kits! With donations of supplies and book bags from many Bethanians, who knows? Maybe we’ll send 100 this fall!

Supporting Martha & Mary: At the last Martha and Mary Church and Community Committee meeting, it was decided that sponsoring churches would select a month to supply treats for the M and M staffers (nearly 400 strong) when they have to get regularly tested for Covid. (Currently, twice weekly.) The CEO says it’s a great morale booster for staff to know that people in churches are thinking about them. Bethany’s month is this September, and we will collect donations throughout the month of August. Treats/snacks must be individually commercially packaged; people can either donate actual snacks or contribute $$ for purchases. Ideas include granola bars, single serve bags of popcorn, nuts, chips, jerky sticks, fruit rollups, and/or individual beverage containers. Please put items in a basket provided in the fellowship hall; checks, made out to Bethany designating Martha & Mary in the memo line, should be placed in the offering plate, or given to Debbie in the Bethany office. Thank you for your generosity and for your support of these vital healthcare workers.  

Flowers for IVC: Island Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) is looking for flower growers who can bring their extra flowers to Eagle Harbor Congregational Church and place them in the buckets by the door on T/W/TH between 8am and 11am, July 12th - September 1st. Anyone interested in arranging or delivering flowers through IVC's Flowers from the Heart Program should contact April Avey at or (206) 842-4441, ext. 104.

Kitsap Ride for Refugees: Pedal with a purpose this August 20! Ride a 10 or 30 mile route through beautiful Kitsap County and raise money for Afghanistan and Ukraine refugees who are trying to rebuild their lives in the Pacific Northwest. For more information email

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are provided by the Altar Guild. There are opening on the calendar for the fall. Please consider giving altar flowers in honor or memory of a special occasion or person. See the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board for details.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Barbara Michael; Hospitality Host: Jim & Veronika Rohrscheib
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Claire & Marty Dasler; Lay Reader: Claire Dasler; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Host: Vicki Browning & Kristi Sutton

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Kathy Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Doug & Kathy Dudgeon (Cookout Saturday!)
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Marcy Daley; Communion Assistant: Wayne Daley; Hospitality Host: Pastor Paul (Root Beer Floats!)


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