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Saturday: Work, fervent worship and spaghetti

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that we get together with our friends from the Church of Steadfast Love this coming Saturday, April 6, for a wonderful spaghetti dinner, worship and a work party.

It all starts at 2:30 p.m. with a work party to cut up branches that fell during the recent storms, and perhaps dig up a little Scotch broom, etc. Bring your gloves and tools. Thanks, everyone, for signing up for the cleanup, which we hope you didn't confuse with cleaning up the dinner dishes.

Pastor Kristy Daniels of the Church of Steadfast Love will preach at our worship service at 5 p.m. Don't worry about your work clothes.

Then at 6 p.m., we will enjoy a well-deserved spaghetti dinner with our visitors, along with a special dessert made by Gail Christensen.

There will also be envelopes available for the people of Bethany to make financial contributions to the Church of Steadfast Love, in support of this ministry, and to celebrate our partnership.

This promises to be a memorable afternoon. We hope you can come. Contact the office if you want to take part in the dinner or work party and you're not signed up. The phone here is 206-842-4241 and the email is . The Church of Steadfast Love is part of the Compass Center in Seattle, which cares for the homeless.

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

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Plan now for vacation Bible school

Good morning, all.

Bethany has members of the Rachel Circle Bible Study here this morning. They meet with Pastor Paul at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of the month. Join them anytime. Their study is based on the Gather magazine Bible study.

Mark your calendars for vacation Bible school at Bethany. It takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday, July 8 through 11. Not only do the students have a good time, but the volunteers and staff do to. Contact Child and Family Coordinator Allison Pringle if you can volunteer. Allison can be reached at .

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

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