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Monster tree gets cut down to size

Good Monday morning to you,

A huge thanks to community member Tom Kilbane, Bethany member Joe Sommerseth and a couple of other men who just happened by for taking down the enormous tree that was heavily damaged by snow this winter.

The work started Saturday, and is continuing this morning. I watched this able crew as they downed big limbs, one by one, off the tree, located near "the point" by the Bethany orchard. The sawdust was flying and sweat was pouring.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

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Synod assembly meets May 17 to 19

The Northwest Washington Synod Assembly will meet May 17 to 19 at the Lynnwood Convention Center.  As always, there will be inspiring worship and informative presentations by synod leaders and others.  This year a highlight will be the election of a new Bishop to succeed Bishop Kirby Unti, who is retiring.  Nine nominees (including five men and four women) have been identified.  Already the nominees have participated in forums and videotaped presentations that are available to view on the Synod website at this link:  https://www.lutheransnw.org/BishopElection.  You are invited and strongly encouraged to view these presentations!  In addition, the results of the synod survey are also available, as are thought-provoking demographic data produced by the ELCA.  Bethany’s voting members are Jim and Veronika Rohrscheib and Barbara Swartling.  You are invited to share any thoughts or observations that you have about the election before they depart for Lynnwood next Friday morning. Please keep all the nominees and the leadership of our Synod in your prayers!
- David Swartling
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