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July 18 Announcements

Worship this Weekend
Our Summer Sermon Series, "Dining With Jesus," continues with the third in the series. We have explored “How to Set the Table with Grace” and “Table Fellowship”. Join us this weekend when we explore “A Table of Hope”.

Paint Party Friday and Saturday!
We are in the final stages of getting the lower level of the building ready for Stephens House use during the week and Bethany use on the weekends this fall. Most of the repair, prep and priming work has been done. Painting the classrooms and hallway begins tomorrow! A huge thank you to all who have already signed up to help with painting. If you didn't get a chance to sign up but have a few hours this Friday or Saturday (July 19 & 20), please feel free to drop in. We will begin at 9:00am and try to end by 4:00pm. With enough volunteers, we should only need a couple of days to finish the job. Beverages, snacks and lunch will be provided!

An Invitation to the Table
Each Saturday and Sunday, a dedicated group of people serve at worship by ushering, reading scripture, assisting during communion and/or providing fellowship hour hospitality. And each month Debbie sends numerous emails to get a schedule in place. Starting in August, we are going to try a different way of scheduling that invites more people to be a part of serving during worship services. This weekend you will see the August Worship Assistant Schedule on the table in the narthex. Those who already serve as worship assistants and anyone who would like to try one of the worship assistant roles are encouraged to sign up for the date/role that works best for them. Debbie welcomes questions about what is involved in each of the worship assistant roles and will reach out to anyone trying a role for the first time. She will also continue to send email reminders to worship assistants the Thursday before a scheduled service.


It’s Time to Buy School Supplies
School supply sales are on now – yes, in July!  Again this year we are collecting school supplies for our school kit project for Lutheran World Relief (lwr.org). We will have a collection box in the narthex, along with lists of needed items. Please take and use the list when shopping and donating, as we can’t send school supplies that don’t follow the LWR guidelines. The drive will continue into October, but the sales are starting now.

With generous donations like we have received in the last three years, we have shipped about 200 complete school kits to LWR for children around the world. We know that many of these children wouldn’t attend school if they didn’t have the supplies we send. Please be a part of making this drive a success. Thanks in advance! 

Bethany BBQ!
Come one, come all to a summer Bethany BBQ! The BBQ will take place next Saturday, July 27 at 6:00pm (after the 5:00pm service). Bethany will provide the burgers, dogs and buns. You bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. Entertainment will be provided by our new – so far nameless – musical trio of Mike Curtis, Dan Houser and Jeff Jensen. They are taking suggestions for a name. Current suggestions include Ancient Wonders, Almost Off the Grid, and The Often-Honors. Prize to be awarded at the BBQ for whoever comes up with the best name for the group! Can you help with set up or clean up? See the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board.


Mid-Year Giving Statements
Giving Statements for the period January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 will be mailed early next week. Watch your mailboxes and if you don’t receive it by the end of next week, please let Debbie know you need another copy. For questions about the information in the giving statement, contact Financial Secretary Kristi Sutton at  

Mariner’s Baseball Game
The Church of Steadfast Love invites Bethany members to join them for a Mariner’s Game on Sunday, August 25 (1:10pm start time). There are one or two spots left. The tickets are free! To reserve your ticket see the sign-up sheet on the hallway bulletin board or contact Debbie at .


Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Birgit & Norm Davis. 

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning               

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
         Altar Duty: Nancy Wetzler
         Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Lloyd Pritchett; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett; Hospitality Hosts: Bethany BBQ!!
         Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: TBD; Lay Reader: Linda Knudson; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: TBD

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July 11 Announcements

Worship this Weekend
Our Summer Sermon Series, "Dining With Jesus," continues on Sunday when we shift from How to Set the Table with Grace (last week's theme) to Table Fellowship: How We Build Community Around the Table. Join us to explore what Jesus' ministry of hospitality offers us today. Saturday evening we are blessed to welcome Pr. David Hahn, our transition facilitator, who will preach and lead worship for us. We have a full plate here at Bethany this weekend. Come, taste and see the Lord is good!


An Invitation to the Table
Each Saturday and Sunday, a dedicated group of people serve at worship by ushering, reading scripture, assisting during communion and/or providing fellowship hour hospitality. And each month Debbie sends numerous emails to get a schedule in place. Starting in August, we are going to try a different way of scheduling that invites more people to be a part of serving during worship services. This weekend you will see the August Worship Assistant Schedule on the table in the narthex. Those who already serve as worship assistants and anyone who would like to try one of the worship assistant roles are encouraged to sign up for the date/role that works best for them. Debbie welcomes questions about what is involved in each of the worship assistant roles and will reach out to anyone trying a role for the first time. She will also continue to send email reminders to worship assistants the Thursday before a scheduled service.


A Painting Party
We are making great progress on getting the lower level of the building ready for Stephens House use during the week and Bethany use on the weekends this fall. Andy Rimkus is spearheading our painting party effort. Much of the prep work has been done and the main painting days will be July 19-22. A huge thank you to all who have already signed up to help with painting. We could still use a few more hands that weekend. If you have a few hours – or even a couple of days – you can help, see the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex or contact Debbie at . Morning shifts will begin at 9:00am and afternoon shifts will end by 4:00pm. Beverages, snacks and lunch will be provided!


Bethany BBQ!
Come one, come all to a summer Bethany BBQ! The BBQ will take place on Saturday, July 27 at 6:00pm (after the 5:00pm service). Bethany will provide the burgers, dogs and buns. You bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. Entertainment will be provided by our new – so far nameless – musical trio of Mike Curtis, Dan Houser and Jeff Jensen. They are taking suggestions for a name. Current suggestions include Ancient Wonders, Almost Off the Grid, and The Often-Honors. Prize to be awarded at the BBQ for whoever comes up with the best name for the group! 

Mariner’s Baseball Game
The Church of Steadfast Love invites Bethany members to join them for a Mariner’s Game on Sunday, August 25 (1:10pm start time). They have 10 tickets available on a first come, first served basis. The tickets are free! To reserve your ticket see the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board or contact Debbie at .


Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB) Forum
HRB is pleased to offer “Good for Everybody. Accessible Spaces, Inclusive Communities, and Beautiful Design.” Architect and accessibility consultant Karen Braitmayer will present a brief history of the disability civil rights movement, the creation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and its impact on building design today. Braitmayer will also share projects that exceed the minimum compliance, elevating our expectations of good design, and helping to build inclusive communities. The forum takes place on Thursday, July 11, 7:00pm at the Bainbridge Public Library. For more information, or to register for free tickets, see the flyer on the hallway bulletin board or visit https://www.housingresourcesbi.org/events/

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Claire and Marty Dasler in honor of their anniversary. The rose on the altar is given with joy and thanksgiving by Karen and Ed Kushner in celebration of the birth of a new grandson, Linden Frank Hale-Kushner, born to Peter Kushner and Joanna Hale, July 10th, St. Andrews, Scotland. 

Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Vickie Bech
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Claire Dasler; Communion Assistant: Jeff Sievertson; Hospitality Hosts: Noreen & Jeff Sievertson               

Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning

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