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Quilters hit 100th milestone Tuesday

Good Wednesday morning to you,

How much room does 100 quilts take up in the fellowship hall? All boxed up and ready to go on Friday, they take up about a fourth of the space. And the quilters are still quilting.

Joe and Linda Sommerseth will deliver the quilts to Redeemer Lutheran Church in Seattle on Friday. From there, the quilts will be shipped with tens of thousands from the Northwest to Baltimore, Md., where they will be stored in warehouses, until they are shipped to areas of need throughout the world.

All of the hard work of boxing is done, whew. Thanks to everyone. And we have a new quilter now. Newlywed Mary Toepel Coar tied quilts yesterday.

Don't forget to make a donation for shipping.

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator


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