February 17 Announcements
The Season of Lent: The season of Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday, March 2. We will mark this season as a community with an Ash Wednesday service, simple soup suppers on the subsequent Wednesdays and Daily Devotionals.
Daily Devotionals: There is still time to submit a reflection for our 2022 Lenten Devotional. The theme is “Lost and Found”, a common Biblical theme. This can perhaps be a theme we can expound upon in light of the pandemic of the past two years. The Daily Devotionals will be available each day on our website and as a printed booklet. You can also receive a daily devotional as an email each day in Lent. If you would like to receive a daily devotional by email, let Debbie know by calling 206-842-4241 or emailing
Ash Wednesday Service: Bethany will offer an Ash Wednesday service including imposition of ashes at 7:00pm on March 2. All are welcome.
Lenten Soup Suppers: We return this year to our Lenten tradition of sharing a simple soup supper. We will gather for supper in fellowship hall at 6:00pm, March 9 – April 6. If you are able to help by bringing a soup or bread for one of the meals, see the sign-up sheet on the hall bulletin board.
Worship in March: Since the COVID transmission rate continues to decrease, we will once again offer a Saturday 5pm service starting March 5 and both the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services will be followed by a fellowship hour once again. We will continue to broadcast the Sunday morning service through our FM channel 87.9 for those who are more comfortable worshiping in their car. Bulletins, a hymn booklet and communion elements will be available on a table under the bell tower for those who will be listening to the service.
Bethany is Hiring!: With the decline of the Covid transmission rate, Bethany is ready to bring back children’s Sunday morning programming! We are searching for a part-time Children and Family Coordinator. The position description is available on our website or by clicking here. If you, or someone you know, are interested in the position, contact Debbie in the office for more information.
Guest Music Accompanist: Thank you to Julie Gallant for serving as our guest music accompanist today!
Altar Flowers: This weekend’s altar flowers are provided by the Altar Guild. Please consider signing up to give flowers next Sunday or on one of the Sundays after Easter. Giving altar flowers is a lovely way to honor a loved one or celebrate a special anniversary. You can provide an arrangement or make a donation and have the Altar Guild provide the arrangement. A sign-up sheet is available on the hall bulletin board.