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February 9 Announcements

Sunday school: Join us for Sunday school this week when we'll learn more about Jesus' sermon on the mount, when Jesus taught his followers how God calls us to live and love each other well. Part of loving each other means repairing our relationships when they're broken, something we call reconciliation. Pastor Erin will join us on a building adventure, and brainstorm ways we can rebuild when things--blocks or relationships--get disturbed or knocked down. Rebuilding is important in order to live and love each other well. We'll have snacks and lots of fun!

Adult Education: Mark your calendars for an exciting Lenten Adult Education four part series, beginning on Sunday, Mar 5 and continuing through March 26. Thanks to Fred Truitt's inspiration and thoughtful contributions, we'll compare and contrast the Gospel accounts of various events during Jesus' last week. Please join us in the sanctuary after worship for this scripture study--no special materials or preparation necessary. Bibles will be available. Come as you are, and when you are able--everyone is welcome anytime!  

Bible Study Next Week: The Women’s Bible Study & Book group will meet on Monday, February 13 at 9:30am. The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 14 at 8:00am.


Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent: The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 22nd. There will be one Ash Wednesday service at 7pm which will include the imposition of ashes. Then for the next five Wednesdays (March 1 – March 29) we will once again observe Lent with soup and bread suppers. The suppers will begin at 6pm and include a time of devotion. The meals will be simple – just soup and bread – in recognition of this time of preparation, prayer and reflection.

Calling all Soup Makers and Bread Bakers: Can you make a soup or bake some bread for our Wednesday Lenten suppers? We are looking for volunteers to bring a soup or bake some bread for the Wednesday Lenten soup suppers. Any home-baked bread—a sour dough from your own starter, a quick corn bread, some focaccia or biscuits—will be appreciated. Please see the sign-up sheets on the hallway bulletin board.


New to Bethany Orientation: Bethany is blessed by a number of visitors, including many who have expressed interest in joining the Bethany congregation. A dinner and conversation for all who want to learn more about Bethany will be held on Thursday, February 23 from 6:00-7:30pm. Please contact Pastor Erin or Pastor Paul for more information.

An Open Invitation: Rachel Circle would like to offer an open invitation to anyone who is looking for a way to support the outreach of the church and for fellowship.  We meet every Tuesday from 10 until 2.  The first Tuesday of the month is dedicated to bible study, followed by lunch together in the fellowship hall.  The rest of the month Tuesdays are dedicated to putting quilts together.  This means simply pinning the tops, batting and backing together in preparation for sewing by machine, then tying knots to hold all 3 pieces together.  Both are very simple tasks.  We stop for lunch, and then continue with how ever many people decide to stay. There is no expectation that you be there the entire time.  Come for whatever time you may have and enjoy the company. Friends and neighbors are always welcome.


Holy Communion Instruction: Here at Bethany, children are encouraged to come up for a blessing or participate in the Service of Holy Communion from a young age. As they get older, they may have questions or wonder about our practice of Holy Communion. Holy Communion instruction, primarily geared for those in mid-elementary grades and above, will be held on Sunday, March 12 from 11:00am-12:30pm. A pizza lunch will be served. Contact Pastor Erin or Pastor Paul if you are interested in having your child included, or for more information. A second session focusing on bread baking will be held at 4:00pm on Sunday, March 26.

Thrivent Choice:  Your community.  Your support.  Your Choice. Thrivent Choice, the chartable grant program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans continues to be a welcome funding source for Bethany.  If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, you likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help support Bethany.  If you currently own an insurance product or annuity you are probably earning Thrivent Choice Dollars each month.  If you feel you are eligible to participate in Choice Dollars, or are uncertain about your eligibility, visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or contact Bethany treasurer emeritus, Jim Rohrscheib, 206 842 1328 or

Remember, Choice Dollars earned by eligible benefit members in 2022 must be distributed no later than March 31, 2023.

Women’s Schola: Women’s Schola of Bainbridge Island will sing the Office of Evensong at 6 pm on Sunday, February 12, at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.  Come hear traditional plainsong, anthems, psalms, and chants, and let the grace of sung prayer refresh you for the week to come.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Kristi & Jim Sutton in celebration of grandson Bruce’s 12th birthday.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Mary Toepel Coar as she continues to recover from a broken hip at Martha & Mary; Wayne Richmond as he recovers from respiratory issues; for Evan Stoll who is now home and undergoing dialysis; for Ron and Carol Fenner as they mourn the death of Ron’s brother Allen.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:           
          Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris: Hospitality Host: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Andy Rimkus & Stephen Deines; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Karen Kushner & Vicki Browning

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Alice McCain & Linnea Chu
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: TBD; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner: Hospitality Host: Carol Fenner
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Kathy Dudgeon; Communion Assistant: Alice McCain; Hospitality Hosts: Kathy & Doug Dudgeon

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February 2 Announcements

Sunday school: This week in Sunday school we'll be talking about SALT. That's right, salt! In Matthew 5:13-20 Jesus said we should be like salt and light, but what does that mean? Come join us in Sunday school where we'll learn together about being salt and light in the world. As always, we'll have a fun craft, a yummy snack, and good company to enjoy. 


Adult Education: After worship on Sunday, Bruce McCain will offer a presentation on Fishline of Poulsbo, where he serves as a board member. Please enjoy your coffee and refreshments in the fellowship hall before returning to the sanctuary for this informative and engaging Adult Education program. Thanks, Bruce! 

Making an IMPACT: Our first IMPACT gathering was a smashing success! We shared a meal, played a spirited game of reverse Jenga, and generally enjoyed being together as we "build up" each other and our greater community. We collected items for Compass House including pillows, quilts, mens jackets/winter coats (size XL+), and packaged mens boxers (size XL)--and it's not too late to donate! Drop off items in Pastor Erin's office and she'll get them to Compass House. Our next IMPACT gathering will be on Sunday, March 5 from 4:00-5:30pm in Fellowship Hall. We'll have chili and cornbread for dinner, and a game of corn hole to follow. Pastor Paul will lead us in baking unleavened bread for use throughout Lent. More information is forthcoming, but be sure to mark your calendars for this fun event--all are welcome!

Bible Study in February: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 7 at 10:00am. The Women’s Bible Study group will meet on Monday, February 13 at 9:30am. The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 14 at 8:00am.

Celebrating a Marriage: Pastor Paul will be officiating at the wedding of Geneva Pritchett, daughter of Rachel & Lloyd Pritchett, and Tommy Hughes this Saturday. Please keep the newlyweds in your prayers as they begin their life as a married couple. 

2022 Year-End Statements: The final 2022 Giving Statements were mailed this week. If you did not receive your statement, please contact Debbie in the office and she will provide you with a copy.

Women’s Schola: Women’s Schola of Bainbridge Island will  sing the Office of Evensong at 6 pm on Sunday, February 12, at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.  Come hear traditional plainsong, anthems, psalms, and chants, and let the grace of sung prayer refresh you for the week to come.


2023 Faith Action Network Advocacy Days: Faith Action Network is an interfaith statewide partnership striving for a just, compassionate, and sustainable world through community building, education, and courageous public action. Join advocates in our legislative district to bring those voices of compassion, justice and sustainability to our elected officials. The date for 2023 is Thursday, February 9 in Olympia. For more information, or to register to attend visit www.fanwa.org

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given to the glory of God.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Mary Toepel Coar as she continues to recover from a broken hip at Martha & Mary; Wayne Richmond as he recovers from respiratory issues at Northwoods; for Pat and DeMar Sather as they mourn the death of their son Mark; for Evan Stoll as he returns home and begins dialysis.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:           
          Altar Duty: Carol Fenner
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen: Hospitality Host: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: David Swartling; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Karen Kushner & Vicki Browning

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
           Altar Duty: Gail Christensen
           Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris: Hospitality Host: Marlene & Al Orwiler
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Andy Rimkus & Stephen Deines; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Barbara Deines; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

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