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See the office for carpooling to Diers funeral

Good Monday morning,

A funeral for Dorothy Diers will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 29, at St. Mark's by The Narrows Lutheran Church in Tacoma. See the office for carpooling to the church, which is immediately on the Tacoma side of the Narrows Bridge. A luncheon will follow.

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator


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P.S. If you drive, the address for St. Mark's is6730 N 17th St., Tacoma.

Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

Posted by Rachel Pritchett with

Bethany advocates for change in Olympia

By Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

Two carloads of people from Bethany took part in the Interfaith Advocacy Day in Olympia on Feb. 6. After participating in workshops, they advocated for issues important to them in the offices of their 23rd Legislative District senators and representatives. Among the issues that rose to the top for the Bethany group were gun-control measures; repeal of the death penalty; using funds from the capital-gains tax for early childhood education and families; adding $10 million to the state Housing Trust Fund; and standing behind the Clean Fuels Standard Bill. The day was hosted by Faith Action Network of Washington. One of its leaders, the Rev. Paul Benz, concluded, “Democracy is not a one-day affair.” Some images are below:

Posted by Rachel Pritchett with

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