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October 28 Announcements

Reformation Sunday: Pastor Paul is looking forward to seeing lots of red as we celebrate Reformation Sunday this weekend. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his statement of faith, known as the 95 Theses, on the door of Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany. Today we wear red on Reformation Sunday because it represents the Holy Spirit and that we all have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit through baptism.

All Saints Sunday: We will celebrate All Saints next weekend (November 6/7). We will be lighting candles in memory of departed loved ones. This is a wonderful opportunity each year to reflect on those saints who have gone before us, and especially to do this with your children.

Bible Study Groups in November: The Rachel Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, November 2nd at 10am. Study materials are available on the table in the library. The Women’s Bible Study group will meet on Monday, November 8th at 9:30am. The Men’s Bible Study group will meet Tuesday, November 9th and Tuesday, November 23rd at 8:00am.

A Transition for Dorothy Webb: After 30 years of living on Bainbridge, Dorothy will be relocating to the Seattle area to live with her daughter and family. Please help us give her a proper Bethany send off this Sunday at the 10am worship service.

Quilts and Kits: For those who couldn’t be here last weekend, the sanctuary will be beautifully graced again this weekend with the baby kits, school kits and quilts made with loving hands and generous hearts by the Rachel Circle and other volunteers. The kits and quilts will be sent to Lutheran World Relief to help those in need throughout the world. The Rachel Circle gratefully accepts donations towards the cost of shipping the quilts and kits. Look for specially marked envelopes on the table outside the sanctuary.

November Newsletter: A November newsletter is in progress and should be ready early next week. Look for it to land in your inbox on Tuesday!

Altar Flowers:  The altar flowers are provided by the Altar Guild this weekend in honor of Reformation Sunday. The Altar Guild will be meeting at noon on November 10 to plan for the upcoming holiday season. New members are welcome! For more information contact Gail Christensen ( or 206.842.5469).  

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October 14 Announcements

A “Noisy” Offering, Indeed!: Thank you to all who brought their loose change last weekend. We raised almost $350 to benefit the ELCA Hunger Appeal. And for those who might have forgotten their change or weren’t able to attend last weekend, it isn’t too late to contribute. The Noisy Offering can will be available on the table as you enter the sanctuary again this weekend.

Pastor Paul is visiting Fritz: Pastor Paul is taking some time to visit grandson, Fritz. He will be away October 14-23. Pastor Erin Grayson, a Bainbridge Island resident who is the chair of the Interfaith Council, will be our guest preacher this weekend. Next weekend Shirley Funk will be our guest preacher for both services. Pastor Paul will be back in time to preside at Sunday’s service. Pastor Sonja Selboe will be available for pastoral emergencies during Pastor Paul’s absence: 360-297-1779 (home) or 360-979-7985 (cell)

Quilt and Kits Blessing: The Rachel Circle and other volunteers have been working tirelessly to prepare baby kits, school kits and beautiful quilts for Lutheran World Relief. A time-honored tradition at Bethany, we will be blessing their work at both services next weekend, October 23rd and 24th.

Children’s Chapel Time Messages: Pastor Paul is recording special messages for children every week. Visit our website to check out this week’s message on walking with Jesus: http://bethanyofbainbridge.org/.

Endowment Fund Applications: Tomorrow (October 15) is the last day to submit Bethany Endowment Fund grant applications. The Bethany Mission Endowment Fund was created to support and expand the mission and ministry of Bethany Lutheran Church in ways not possible using the annual operating budget. Click here to download the application or visit the website for more details. Applications can be dropped off at the office or emailed to Debbie at .

Congratulations Are Extended to:  Harry and Nancy Wetzler as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

Prayer Are Extended for:  Wayne Richmond as he recovers from an illness and hospitalization.

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