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SNAP Challenge: Eating well comes at a cost

Good Tuesday to you,

I’m looking forward to this coming weekend, when we’ll take on the SNAP Challenge. During the week that follows, we’ll shop for nutritious fruits and vegetables with limited amounts of money. Through that exercise, we’ll discover how difficult it can be to eat healthily when you lack the money to buy foods that are good for you. Bruce and Alice McCain, pictured above, are the organizers.

I’ve posted the money amounts in the "SNAP Challenge" tab on the navigation bar on this page to give you an idea. Sign up on the bulletin board or give me a call if you’d like to participate.


Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

Posted by Bethany office with

Quilts, baby kits boxed, ready for delivery

All hands were on deck Tuesday as quilters boxed up 34 quilts and 20 baby kits bound for Lutheran World Relief. The work went quickly. On Friday, Linda and Joe Sommerseth will transport the boxes in their pickup truck over to Seattle, first stop for the gifts as they make their way to Baltimore. Thank you quilters. Here they are working. Notice that quilter Carol Fenner is in costume, doing double duty on Tuesday boxing quilts and greeting the students in the Halloween preschool parade. Way to go!

Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

Posted by Bethany office with

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