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Reform ride anticipates as many as 200 cyclists


Hi everyone,

The Reform Ride for Refugees, organized by Bethany’s own Allison Pringle and taking place Aug. 11 in Silverdale, is in the final stages of organizing.

Some volunteers still needed. Route marshals are seated along the routes, pointing directions to passing cyclists. Route patrols drive the course. Cheerleaders are at the end of the routes. Go to lcsnw.org to sign up. Volunteers can enjoy a barbecue and beer garden after the events.

Proceeds from the Reform Ride for Refugees will benefit refugee assistant through Lutheran Community Services Northwest.

- Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

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Graffiti painted over, mailbox gets sprucing up

Greetings Bethany community,

It was an outside day today before it got too hot. Vandals had painted large areas of the Bethany park-and-ride lot with white paint earlier this month. Kitsap Transit tried its pressure washer yesterday, but the powerful tool dug too deep into the asphalt. That's when I got some asphalt top coat and covered up some of the most offensive graffiti. See picture on home page. While I was at it, I painted the Bethany mailbox, see above.

Now back to the office.

Rachel Pritchett, office administrator

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