Supporting Disaster Relief Efforts

 Wildfire Disaster relief

As we watch with horror at the unfolding story of the Los Angeles wildfires, we wonder what we can do to alleviate the suffering so many are experiencing: the loss of homes, places of worship, entire communities, and worse yet, loved ones. 
Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River reminds us of our own baptismal vows: we belong to God and to each other; and as Jesus stood in solidarity with us, we are called and commissioned to stand in solidarity with those who are suffering. We can serve God's good creation by praying with our words, and with our hands and feet. At this point, the best way to serve is by offering our financial support to national organizations like the Red Cross, and to denominational relief programs like Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Disaster Response (part of the ELCA Churchwide Organization) and Lutheran Social Services of Southern California (one of the constituents of Lutheran Services in America).
Please take some time and review the websites of these remarkable organizations and make a gift, if able, to help provide assistance for those in need!
Here are the organizations and the links to their websites: 

             Lutheran World Relief (LWR):  Lutheran World Relief  

            Lutheran Disaster Response:     Lutheran Disaster Response

            Lutheran Socials Services of Southern California:

We are struck by the words of a pastor whose church burned in the fire, "YOU are the Church, WE all are the Church." Let us respond generously by being the Church Jesus called us to be.