Weekly Announcements - June 24
Dear Bethanians,
Here is what is happening this weekend and beyond at Bethany:
Worship in June: Pastor Paul returns for this last Sunday in June. The day promises to be warm and sunny so bring a lawn chair to sit by your car.
Worship in July and August: The Sunday morning 10am service will take place ON THE LAWN west of the church, weather permitting. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket, or remain in your car as we experience worship together in the beauty of summertime on Bainbridge Island. Coffee hour will also make a return on Sunday, July 4th! Pastor Paul will host the outdoor coffee hour. Outdoor coffee hour will continue throughout the summer if there is interest in hosting. Bethany will provide coffee, juice and lemonade, along with disposable cups and napkins. Hosts will provide light snacks and set up/clean up. Please call Debbie in the office to sign up for a Sunday in July or August.
Saturday Evening Worship: Periodically throughout July and August there will be a 5pm Saturday worship service in the Sanctuary. In July, the Saturday evening worship services will be on July 3rd and July 17th. These will be socially distanced worship services with no congregational singing, but will include prayer, scripture, a sermon and holy communion. People attending indoor worship are expected to be vaccinated, and there will be no fellowship hour following the service in the summer.
Summer Bible Study: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will next meet on July 6 at 10am. The Women's Bible Study group is on hiatus for the summer and will meet again in the fall. Stay tuned for details on the next meeting of the Men's Bible Study group.
Prayers are extended for: Pastor Paul and Laurie as they travel back to Bainbridge after visiting grandson, Fritz.
Sing praise to the Lord, all you faithful; give thanks in holy remembrance. Psalm 30:4