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Weekly Announcements - August 12

Here is what is happening this week and beyond at Bethany:

Summer Worship at Bethany: There will be an inside worship service this Saturday, August 14 at 5pm. Through August, Bethany will continue with its popular outdoor worship at 10am on Sunday mornings. We gather between the buildings in the shaded patio area for worship, and then continue our outdoor fellowship with coffee and goodies. Saturday evening worship services will be held indoors, in the Bethany sanctuary at 5pm on August 14th and August 28th.

Coffee Hour: Hospitality Hosts are needed for Sunday, August 22 and Sunday, August 29. Pastor Paul makes the coffee. You bring the goodies and host the table. Sign up this Sunday by visiting the hospitality table after worship, or by calling Debbie in the church office.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers for this weekend are given by Whitney Lane in honor of her birthday and Pastor Paul’s birthday.

LWR School Kit Supplies Needed: Back-to-school supply sales are on NOW. Office Depot/Office Max, Staples, Target, WalMart, Fred Meyer, etc. may have needed items (listed below) at good sale prices, such as notebooks for 25 cents each (WalMart, Aug. 10)! School supplies are especially needed in countries hard hit by Covid-19. Several Bethany people are busy making Lutheran World Relief book bags so we can send filled bags to school children around the world. We will fill and ship the bags in early October, when we also send our quilts and baby kits. Can you help us gather school supplies from this list and bring them to the labelled basket in the narthex by September 19? Last year Rachel Circle sewed bags and shipped 57 school kits along with LWR quilts and baby kits. With donations of bags and supplies from many Bethanites, who knows how many school kits we can send this year! Supplies needed include: 70-sheet spiral notebooks (wide- or college-ruled), 30-centimeter or inches/centimeter rulers; pencil sharpeners; blunt/safety scissors; unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); boxes of 16 or 24 crayons; 2 and ½ inch erasers.

BI/NK CROP Walk: The Bainbridge is gearing up for our Sunday, September 26th walk. Bethany youth will help to set the route, and Bethanians are invited to walk/sponsor walkers for this effort to combat hunger locally and globally. 25% of the money raised goes to support Helpline and Fishline. This year every dollar will be matched by an island donor TWO-FOR-ONE, meaning if you contribute $100, the donor will match it with $200, making the total $300!!! Go online to sign up to walk or sponsor walkers at https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2021/event/bainbridgeislandwa. Questions? Ask Pastor Paul.

Bethany is Hiring!: Bethany is currently searching for a Custodian. Click here to see the  Custodian position description. The position description and details on applying are also available on our website. Please encourage anyone you know who may be qualified and interested to apply.

Tuesday Quilters: The Tuesday morning quilting group will take a break for the month of August and resume after Labor Day.

Pastoral Care next week: Pastor Paul will be gone a few days next week visiting Laurie’s family in California, returning for worship next Sunday. For pastoral needs, contact Debbie in the office, or Pastor Sonja Selboe at 360-979-7985.

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