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September 22 Announcements

CROP Walk and Noisy Offering
BI/NK CROP Walk: The 2022 CROP Walk is taking place THIS Sunday, September 25th! Please consider joining this walk as a walker or as a sponsor for a walker, as we together work to make hunger history. Here is the link to register or support the Bethany team:  https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2022/event/bainbridgeislandwa  Remember, all donations are matched by an island donor, so this provides a great opportunity to make a difference in fighting hunger locally and globally.

But wait, there’s more...a Mini-CROP Walk will take place at Bethany that same day, a half-mile walk around the Bethany grounds with Pastor Paul right after worship on the 25th. This is for everyone in the church, and especially our children. We will make a few stops along the route to consider the beauty of creation, the abundance of God’s world, and to pray for those who are hungry. A Bethany donor is pledging $50 for every child at Bethany who participates, an amount that will be matched (making it $100) with the larger walk. Children must sign up as a walker on the website indicated above in order for the $50 to be contributed. Contact Pastor Paul for any questions. Bethany youth will be setting up the walk route on BI, as has been our tradition for the past several years. Let’s work together to faithfully make hunger history.

A “Noisy” Offering: We will have a “noisy” offering this Sunday, September 25th. Our Bethany children will help with a collection during the children’s message to benefit the CROP Walk. Pastor Paul also invites families with children and those unable to participate in the CROP Walk, to plan on a walk after worship around the property. Come with noisy pockets - quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies. Change is good!

Faith Formation
Sunday School: The Psalmist sings that the Lord is “My refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust (Psalm 91:2b).“ What does it mean to say that God is our refuge? Join us for children’s Sunday school where we’ll explore ideas about God as our refuge—a safe place and presence when we’re afraid. We’ll enjoy conversation, snacks, a feather painting craft, and of course, time for prayer. Children ages 5 and up are invited to proceed to the classrooms in the education building after the noisy offering is taken in worship on Sunday morning. 

We want to share the Sunday school message of the day with the congregation too! Everyone is welcome to take a “memory rock” on the tables in the narthex reminding you that God is a refuge in whom you can trust! 

Please contact Pastor Erin ( ) with questions or to volunteer to lead an upcoming Sunday school class.

Adult Education: After worship, we’ll continue our discussion on Shane Claiborne’s “The Economy of Love: Creating a Culture of Enough.” This week Shane discusses scripture—and situations in which being God’s people required caring for the least of these. We’ll draw specifically from the Gospel reading of the day, Luke 16: 19-31, the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. 

We’ll ask ourselves questions like:

* When you consider the Lazaruses of our neighborhoods or city, who comes to mind? How do you react to the idea that you need such people as much as they need you?
* Have you ever felt initiated into the kingdom of God by the poor or felt that you received far more than you gave? Describe your experience.
* Have you ever seen yourself as one of the “least of these?” How did this experience change you?
* In addition to helping us see ourselves differently, what else do the world’s most vulnerable people have to teach us?
* In what areas of life do we need to be rescued from our self-sufficiency? Our self- importance?
* What will being rescued from such things require of us?

Please join us! Contact Pastor Erin with questions or ideas for future classes. 

Bethany Updates
FFF October Gathering: Let’s take a field trip! The FFF group will meet next on October 12 for a field trip. We will carpool from the Bethany parking lot to the Suquamish museum. Come to Bethany at 10:30am and bring a sack lunch to enjoy. Cost for the museum is $3 per person. If you plan to attend, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board or call Debbie at 206-842-4241.

Opening Up the Nursery: After being closed for two and a half years because of the pandemic, the Bethany nursery is reopening! We plan to have the nursery staffed and ready for children aged four and younger beginning Sunday, October 2. We are looking for a couple more high school students and an adult to round out our nursery team. If you, or someone you know, are interested please contact Debbie at .

Updated Address: Louise Urness has moved to Providence Mount St. Vincent assisted living! Her new address is: 4831 35th Ave, # 304, Seattle WA 98126

Upcoming Memorials: It was with sadness that we learned of the death of former Bethany choir director, Shirley Jenkins. Shirley died on August 18, following a battle with cancer. Her memorial service will be held Saturday, September 24, 2pm, at Vinland Lutheran Church in Poulsbo. There will be an opportunity to sing at Shirley’s memorial as part of a group now being formed. For details contact Jeff Sievertson at 360-621-1909. There will also be a memorial service for Bud Johnson, known at Bethany as the husband of Myrna Johnson.  Bud died during Covid, and Myrna moved to Vancouver (Camus), but it was always the plan to have Bud's memorial service at Bethany when the timing was right.  That time has been set for Saturday, October 1st at 11am at Bethany.  The service will be held in our fellowship hall, followed by a reception in the same space.  

LWR School Kit Supplies Needed: Thank you so much for your generous donations of school supplies for our LWR School Kit project! Because of your generosity and a small grant, we now have all the supplies we need to stock our book bags. Watch for more details on how your generosity helps others.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Mary and Dick Coar in honor of their 2nd wedding anniversary and their families.

Prayers are Requested: For Mary Toepel Coar as she recovers from a stroke; for Miriam Barrenger as she recovers from shoulder surgery; for Mark Sather, son of Pat and DeMar, contending with serious health concerns.

Worship Assistants
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:           
          Altar Duty: Barbara Swartling
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Barbara Michael; Lay Reader: Barbara Michael; Hospitality Hosts: Carol & Ron Fenner
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeter/Usher: Debbie Rimkus; Lay Reader: Doug Dudgeon; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Kathy & Doug Dudgeon

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Heather Ballaine
          Saturday 5:00pm 00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: TBD; Lay Reader: Claire Dasler; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Claire & Marty Dasler


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