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May 12 Announcements

Saturday Worship: Our Saturday 5pm worship this weekend will be a Holden Evening Prayer service.

FFF Potluck Starts Again: FFF will be reconvening, after our 2-year Covid vacation, on Wednesday, May 18th at noon.  In the past,  the group met every month for a potluck and a program of some sorts (travel, history, singing, etc.).  The gathering next week will also be a potluck and an opportunity to organize ourselves for the year to come, to get input about the best time to meet, to propose potential programs, and for the joy of simply being together.  Come and join this fun-loving group.

Sanctuary Project Congregational Meeting:  Background information on the project was sent by regular mail and email. Please plan to attend a congregational meeting after worship next Sunday, May 22, to vote on the final proposal.

Quilt & Kit Update: The beautiful quilts and kits that graced the sanctuary last weekend have been packed up and are ready to be shipped to people around the world through Lutheran World Relief. The Rachel Circle made 93 quilts, 49 baby kits and 11 sewing kits! We are grateful for all their efforts.

Tamara Siburg Graduation: Tamara Siburg, who attended at Bethany for a number of years, is completing her time at Wartburg Theological Seminary and invites anyone interested to join the Baccalaureate service and Commencement ceremony via livestream. Information and links are available at http://www.wartburgseminary.edu/class-of-2022/

Amabile Concert: The Amabile Choir, under the direction of Bethany’s own Sylvia Cauter, is excited to be performing together again and will offer spring concerts on Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21 at 7:30pm in the Bethany Sanctuary. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at Dana’s Showhouse or from an Amabile Choir member.

 Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are provided by the Altar Guild. There are a number of weekends available this spring and summer to provide altar flowers in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. A sign up sheet and information is available on the hall bulletin board. 

Prayers Are Requested For:  The Kelly Family as they welcome baby Hazel.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Barbara Michael; Lay Reader: Barbara Michael; Hospitality Hosts: Jim & Veronica Rohrscheib
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Kathy Dudgeon; Communion Assistant: Doug Dudgeon; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:

           Saturday 5:00pm - Usher/Greeter: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen; Hospitality Hosts: None
           Sunday 10:00am – Greeters: Jan Thrun & Lisa Deen; Ushers: Harry & Nancy Wetzler; Lay Reader: Stina Peña; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Vicki Browning & Carolyn Weiss

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