March 23 Announcements
Emergency Melodies a Huge Success: Thank you to all who planned, performed, attended and gave to our Emergency Melodies Benefit Concert to raise funds for earthquake relief in Turkey and Syria. The benefit raised well over $15,000, exceeding our goal! The funds raised will be divided between the White Helmets and ACT Alliance relief organizations. Again, thank you to all who gave so generously of their time and money.
Sunday School: Please join us for Sunday School on Sunday, the fifth Sunday of Lent, when we hear all about Mary and Martha and their brother, Lazarus. In this story we see how Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus, and also showed Martha and Mary hope even in the saddest of times. We'll enjoy fellowship and a yummy snack over good conversation. While the content is prepared for kids in K-6, it's accessible to kids of all ages, so please join us no matter your age. Everyone is welcome!
Adult Education: The Adult Education Series, "Journey To Jerusalem," will meet in the sanctuary following worship on Sunday morning. Fred Truitt has led us on the journey where we've encountered various characters and events of Holy week. Through a comparison and contrast of the Gospel accounts, we've deepened our understanding by broadening our perspectives by looking through the lenses of the Gospel writers. This week we'll meet the nuanced and oft misunderstood character of Pontius Pilate. Even if you haven't been able to join us for the first two sessions, you're welcome to join us on Sunday, March 26, and/or April 2, when the session will conclude. If you have ideas for future studies, please be in touch with Fred or Pastor Erin at .
Congregational Meeting on April 23: At the request of the Affordable Housing Task Force, the Bethany Council has called a Special Meeting of the congregation following worship on Sunday, April 23. The principal purpose of the meeting will be to authorize the formation of a limited liability company (LLC) to oversee the pre-development phase of an affordable housing project on Bethany’s property. As previously authorized, the LLC will work in collaboration with Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB). (Several small amendments to Bethany’s constitution also are proposed to expressly authorize electronic meetings and notices.) An informational Q&A session will take place following worship on April 16. Stay tuned for additional details!
Holy Communion Instruction: This Sunday at 4pm, Pastor Paul will be leading young people at Bethany, as a part of Holy Communion Instruction, in making and baking unleavened bread for Holy Communion. All are welcome (especially those with good recipes and/or expertise). This bread is intended to be used for Holy Communion during Holy Week at Bethany.
Easter Lilies: Soon the Altar Guild will be decorating the altar for Easter with beautiful Easter Lilies. Please consider making a donation towards the cost of the lilies in honor or memory of someone special. Envelopes are in the bulletin or available on the table in the narthex. Drop your donation in the collection plate during the offering or with Debbie in the office during business hours.
Lent – “Companions for the Journey”: Our final Lent soup supper takes place next Wednesday, March 29 at 6pm. The time of devotion happens after the meal in the sanctuary around our Lenten prayer wall. The prayer wall is available for quiet meditation or prayers whenever the church building is open.
Holy Week: Holy Week will begin with Palm Sunday on April 2. Palm Sunday services will be at 5pm on Saturday, April 1 and 10am on Sunday, April 2. We will not have a Wednesday soup supper during Holy Week. There will be a Maundy Thursday service (with Holy Communion) at 7pm on April 6 and a Good Friday service (Bethany Choir) at 7pm on April 7. There will be no service on Saturday, April 8 so that we can rejoice in the risen Christ together at the 10am Easter Sunday service (Bethany Choir and Brass).
Giving through Thrivent: Thrivent Choice, the chartable grant program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans continues to be a welcome funding source for Bethany. If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, you likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help support Bethany. If you currently own an insurance product or annuity you are probably earning Thrivent Choice Dollars each month. If you feel you are eligible to participate in Choice Dollars, or are uncertain about your eligibility, visit or contact Bethany treasurer emeritus, Jim Rohrscheib, 206 842 1328 or
Remember, Choice Dollars earned by eligible benefit members in 2022 must be distributed no later than March 31, 2023.
Cream of the 2022 CROP Walk: Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap was one of the top 25 communities for funds raised in support of the global mission of ending hunger one step at a time. Our community has participated in CROP Walk for over 25 years and raised nearly $1 million toward hunger relief with 20% of funds raised going to Helpline House and 5% going to NK Fishline Food Bank. Are you able to help with the 2023 CROP Walk? A very dedicated group of people are ready for some new energy. If you would like to become involved in supporting the 2023 CROP Walk, contact Pastor Paul.
AFS Exchange Student Host Program: The AFS Intercultural Program is looking for families who can host an exchange student. With 75 years of experience and 100 years of history, AFS is a leader in international high school exchange. If you are interested in hosting or learning more about the program contact Linda Sohlberg at 206-240-8299, or visit
Altar Flowers: There are no altar flowers for the season of Lent.
Prayers are Requested: For Pat and DeMar Sather as they experience grief and general medical concerns; for Mary Coar as she continues to rehab from her hip surgery; for Wayne Richmond who is in St. Michaels hospital with breathing problems, for Marcy Daley as she recovers from outpatient surgery; for Evan Stoll as he continues dialysis; for Chris Christensen’s cousin Tamy as she battles pancreatic cancer; for those who are unemployed; for those who suffer from mental health concerns.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Nancy Wetzler
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jim Rohrscheib; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner: Hospitality Hosts: Carol & Ron Fenner
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Nancy & Harry Wetzler; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Kathy & Doug Dudgeon
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Kathy Dudgeon
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Carol Fenner; Lay Reader: Gail Christensen: Hospitality Hosts: Jennie Harris
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning