June 30 Announcements
July Worship: Thank you to everyone who helped empty the sanctuary chairs last Sunday! The 5pm Saturday evening service will be Holden Evening Prayer this weekend, and both Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship will be in fellowship hall. Next weekend the 5pm Saturday service will be in fellowship hall with the 10am Sunday service outside on the patio (weather permitting).
Outdoor Worship and Pie Social: Mark your calendars and plan now to attend worship next Sunday, July 10. We will once again gather in the beautiful patio space for an outdoor service. Worship that morning will be followed by an old-fashioned Pie Social. Our wonderful Bethany choir will act as hosts and invites everyone to bring their favorite pie to share.
July Bible Study: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, July 5 at 11:30am. (Note time change.) The Men’s Bible Study group will not meet in July. The next Men’s Bible Study gathering will be on Tuesday, August 9, at 8:00am. The Women’s Bible Study group is on hiatus for the summer and will resume in the fall.
Celebrating a Baptism: We rejoice with Kevin and Sandy Kelly upon the baptism of their daughter Hazel this past Tuesday.
Next FFF Gathering: The FFF group will not meet in July. The next gathering will be on Wednesday, August 10 at noon. We will enjoy a potluck lunch followed by an ice cream social. Bethany will provide the ice cream and toppings. You bring your favorite side dish, salad or entrée. A sign-up sheet is available on the hallway bulletin board.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Debbie Rimkus in memory of her Dad and in honor of what would have been his 91st birthday.
Prayers Are Requested For: The family of Margot Jacobs, as they mourn her death; Georgia Figgins as her cancer concerns have heightened; Becci Kerstetter who is undergoing chemotherapy; Evan Stoll as he gains in strength and stamina; Louise Urness, as she makes the move to an assisted living facility.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Carol Fenner; Hospitality Host: Carol & Ron Fenner
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Nancy & Harry Wetzler; Lay Reader: Harry Wetzler; Communion Assistant: Sonja Selboe; Hospitality Hosts: Andy & Debbie Rimkus
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Marlene & Al Orwiler
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Barbara & Stephen Deines; Lay Reader: Linda Newlon; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: the Bethany Choir