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January 5 Announcements

Faith Formation: Calling all K-6th graders! Please join us for Sunday School in Fellowship Hall this Sunday to talk about the wise people who followed a star and journeyed far and wide to meet the newborn Jesus. They saw the light and were forever changed! We'll make our own stars and talk about our own journeys to "see" the light of Christ in our lives. 

*Please note that we will not have nursery this week, but the family space in the sanctuary is open and would welcome our youngest church family members. 

Adult Ed also resumes this Sunday. Rachel Pritchett will lead the Adult Ed session, discussing astounding architectural history of Bethany's beautiful sanctuary will be among the topics she will discuss on the 8th. Rachel also will walk you through the remodel project beginning to end, with time in the hour for your questions. Everyone is welcome. See you in the new year!


Affordable Housing Update: Please plan to stay after worship next Sunday, January 15th, for an important update on Bethany’s Affordable Housing initiative. Jonathan Davis and Marja Williams, of the Affordable Housing Task Force, will be here to bring everyone up to date on recent developments, and to answer questions in anticipation of a congregational vote at our annual meeting. The gathering will be in fellowship hall and take the place of a regular Adult Ed offering.

Advent and Christmas Decorations: Thank you to everyone who helped prepare the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. A huge thank you to Gail Christensen, Carol Fenner, and Nancy Wetzler who gave the kitchen and sacristy a very thorough and much-needed cleaning. Thanks to Doug Olson, Mike Bartunek, and Dick Coar for setting up the tree. Thanks to Gary and Selina Johnson for putting the lights on the tree with help from Nancy Wetzler. And thank you to Jan Thrun, Nancy Wetzler, Gail Christensen, Barbara Swartling and Pastor Erin who decorated the tree. And finally, a great big thank you to everyone who helped take down the tree and all the decorations! This includes Gail Christensen, Pastor Paul, Melanie Olson, Linnea Chu, Nancy Wetzler, Joe Sommerseth and Barbara Swartling. Our deepest gratitude goes to Ruth Bartunek for organizing and overseeing the entire process!


A Thank You from Mable Keeney: Thank you to the altar guild for the delicious Christmas Cookies. I also appreciated the choir [Nordbys, Newlons, Sievertsons, Doug D., and Linnea] coming to my home to sing Christmas carols. This was special to me as I miss singing with the choir. Love, Mabel

Annual Meeting: Plan now to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 29th at 11:00am in fellowship hall. The agenda for the Annual Meeting will include passing a 2023 budget, approving the 2022 Annual Meeting minutes and election of 2023 council members and 2023 nominating committee members.


2023 Giving Envelopes: To reduce the large amount of giving envelopes that are discarded each year, the Bethany office will be providing giving envelopes only for those who request them. If you circled ‘yes’ for giving envelopes on your pledge card, you will be able to pick envelopes up on a table in the narthex. If you did not make a pledge, but would like giving envelopes, please let Debbie know and she will prepare envelopes for you.

Left Behind Items: The kitchen has been cleaned to begin the new year. There is a table in the narthex with items that don’t belong in the kitchen and quite possibly belong to you. Please check the table out and take your item/items home. Any items remaining after the January 8 service will be donated to Goodwill.

Sign Up for Altar Flowers: The 2023 Altar Flower Schedule is up on the hallway bulletin board. There are lots of openings for the winter and spring. Please consider signing up to provide altar flowers in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. You can bring your own arrangement or make a contribution and the altar guild will provide the arrangement.


Men’s Compline Choir: The Men's Compline Choir of Bainbridge Island is back. This ecumenical choir sings the Order of Compline at St. Cecilia Catholic Church at 7 p.m. on the 1st Sunday of the month, October through June. Owing to the New Year's Day holiday, January's service will be on Sunday, January 8. The choir invites you to worship with them. 

Service of Remembrance: The annual Service of Remembrance will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Friday, January 6th at 4:00pm. This is a time to honor and pray for those who have died on the streets or as a result of being homeless. The service will be in person and live streamed. To participate via live stream, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZX-yIVUa_5z-J3PVVPFoqw

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are provided by the Altar Guild. As noted above, there are lots of openings in the next few weeks to provide altar flowers. You can bring your own arrangement or give a donation and the altar guild will provide the arrangement. A sign up sheet and more information are available on the hallway bulletin board.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Wayne Richmond as he recovers from respiratory concerns; for Sylvia Cauter’s sister as she recovers from surgery; for Pat and DeMar Sather’s son Mark as he enters hospice care.

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:           
          Altar Duty: Barbara Swartling
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeters/Ushers: Luanne & Tom Croker; Lay Reader: Barbara Michael: Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeter: Karen Kushner; Ushers: Barbara & David Swartling; Lay Reader: Linda Newlon; Communion Assistant: Tom Newlon; Hospitality Hosts: Linda & Tom Newlon

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Linnea Chu
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Dick Coar; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett: Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeter: Andy Rimkus; Ushers: Nancy & Harry Wetzler; Lay Reader: Andy Rimkus; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning

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