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January 13 Announcements

Worship in January: In light of the high rate of transmission of the Omicron variant and with guidance from Northwest Synod leaders, we will be modifying our worship schedule in January. We will continue to have in person worship on Sunday mornings, but there will be no Saturday evening service. Additionally, we will suspend the coffee fellowship after the Sunday morning service for the month. Full vaccination and masks are required to attend in person worship. The drive-in option is available for those who are not feeling well or are not fully vaccinated. We ask at this time that you please not enter the building if you are experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms.

Service of Prayer, Eucharist and Healing: THIS Saturday, January 15 at 10am in the Bethany sanctuary, a service of Prayer, Eucharist and Healing, will be offered. This service is a return to a monthly practice that Bethany maintained prior to the pandemic, where a small group of people gather for prayer. All are welcome.

Spam Emails: Emails that look like they originate from Pastor Paul or the Bethany office but are actually spam/phishing are on the rise again. Please know that neither Pastor Paul or Debbie would ever email asking for money, bank information or for you to click on a link to help with a special task. If you receive an email that seems suspicious but you aren’t sure, please call Debbie in the office to verify it.

Year End Statements: Year-end giving statements will be mailed mid January. Please review your statement when you receive it. If you have any questions concerning the statement, contact our financial secretary, Kristi Sutton.

Caring Hearts: The Caring Hearts Directing Team will meet next Thursday, January 20 at 10am.

Annual Meeting: The 2022 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 30th at 11:30am. The meeting will be held via Zoom. The agenda for the Annual Meeting will include passing a 2022 budget, approving the 2021 Annual Meeting minutes and election of 2022 council members and 2022 nominating committee members.

Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Jim and Kristi Sutton.


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