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Holy Week Announcements

Holy Week Schedule: Please join us for a Maundy Thursday service (with Holy Communion) at 7pm on April 6 and a Good Friday service (Bethany Choir) at 7pm on April 7. There will be no 5pm service on Saturday, April 8 so that we can rejoice in the risen Christ together at the 10am Easter Sunday service (Bethany Choir and Brass).

Sunday School: It's Easter! Please join us in Sunday school for a fun and festive jelly bean cross activity led by Kathy Dudgeon. While Sunday school activities are typically designed for kids in K-6 grades, the lessons and fellowship are accessible to kids of all ages! Hope to see you there!

Adult Education: The Adult Education series, The Journey to Jerusalem led by Fred Truitt, will resume on April 30 when we'll meet for our last session of the series. Please join us even if you haven't been able to before. Everyone is welcome--no prior knowledge or special materials required. During our session on April 30 we'll also discuss possibilities for future studies and your input is welcome and encouraged. I hope you'll feel welcome to join us in the sanctuary after worship on April 30! Questions? Contact Pastor Erin at  .


April IMPACT: Our youth and family fellowship and fun Sunday, will meet on Sunday, April 16 from 4:00-5:30 in Fellowship Hall. This month, we'll have pizza for dinner and a make-your-own ice cream sundae for dessert, followed by a family-fun game of "Would You Rather?" We'll also brainstorm together about revamping the Bethany community garden and other ways to serve our community and world. Please join us, everyone is welcome--no matter your age! No RSVP necessary, just come if you can. Questions? Contact Pastor Erin at  .

Congregational Meeting on April 23: At the request of the Affordable Housing Task Force, the Bethany Council has called a Special Meeting of the congregation following worship on Sunday, April 23.  The principal purpose of the meeting will be to authorize the formation of a limited liability company (LLC) to oversee the pre-development phase of an affordable housing project on Bethany’s property. As previously authorized, the LLC will work in collaboration with Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB).  (Several small amendments to Bethany’s constitution also are proposed to expressly authorize electronic meetings and notices.)  An informational Q&A session will take place following worship on April 16. Stay tuned for additional details!

A Request from Rachel Circle: The Rachel Circle is looking for large and small plastic bins.  If you've done some spring cleaning and have one or two empty bins laying around, they could use them.  Please - no extra large bins as they become too heavy to carry. Rachel Circle thanks the congregation for their continued support. 

Blessing of the Quilts: Plan to attend worship the weekend of April 29 & 30 when the beautiful quilts made by the Rachel Circle will be displayed for a special blessing before being sent to Lutheran World Relief. 

A Thank You Note from the Stoll’s: Our heartfelt appreciation for the prayers, & lovely cards from so many of you. You have helped to sustain us through perilous times and into Evan's steady recovery. Dialysis is going well - quite complicated & finely tuned. We have been blessed along the way with excellent caregivers. So much for which we are thankful.  

Office of Evensong: Women’s Schola of Bainbridge Island will sing the Office of Evensong at 6 pm on Sunday, April 16, at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.  Come hear traditional plainsong, anthems, psalms, and chants, and let the grace of sung prayer refresh you for the week to come. 

AFS Exchange Student Host Program: The AFS Intercultural Program is looking for families who can host an exchange student. With 75 years of experience and 100 years of history, AFS is a leader in international high school exchange. If you are interested in hosting or learning more about the program contact Linda Sohlberg at 206-240-8299, or visit afsusa.org/host

Altar Flowers: We will have altar flower arrangements once again beginning the weekend of April 22/23. Please consider signing up for a special date that you would like to honor an event or remember a special person while you have a choice. For more information and to sign up, see the altar flower chart on the hall bulletin board.


Prayers are Requested: For the family of Wayne Richmond as they mourn his death, for Mabel Keeney who is recovering from outpatient surgery; for Shirley Funk as she recovers from shoulder surgery; for Pat Sather, a new resident at Fieldstone; and for Mary Coar who continues to gain strength and mobility at home following hip surgery.  

Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:           
          Altar Duty: Kathy Dudgeon
          Saturday 5:00pm – No Service
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Debbie & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Linda Newlon; Communion Assistant: Linda Newlon; Hospitality Hosts: Noreen & Jeff Sievertson

Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
          Altar Duty: Vickie Bech
          Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Joe Sommerseth; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett: Hospitality Hosts: Veronika & Jim Rohrscheib
          Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Barbara Deines; Hospitality Hosts: Kathy & Doug Dudgeon


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