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Here are the announcements for May 20


(A newsletter will be published next week, including items from Helen Stoll's Bethany story, a welcome to Debbie Rimkus (our new Church Office Administrator), A Northwest Washington Synod Assembly Report, perhaps some poetry from some of Bethany's poets, and more in-depth information on brief announcements below)

Preliminary Worship Schedule moving through the summer:  With a sense of hopefulness and a deep yearning to be back together in-person for our worship services each week, Bethany is crafting a summer worship schedule with the expectation that we will be worshiping in the Bethany sanctuary in September.  Here is what we have dreamed up for the summer at Bethany:

                             May and June Sunday mornings:  10am Worship in a Drive-in setting, inviting people to bring lawn chairs to sit by their cars in the parking lot.  The first three                                     Sundays in June, our worship leaders will be Pastor Erin Grayson (June 6, 13), and Pastor Kristy Daniels (20), while Pastor Paul is visiting grandson Fritz in Iowa.

                             Saturday Evening 5pm Indoor Worship Services will be held periodically throughout the summer, starting next Saturday, May 29th, and then picking up again                                                     in July (when Pastor Paul returns).  These will be socially-distanced worship services, with no congregational singing, but will include prayer, scripture, a                                                   sermon, and holy communion.  People attending these worship services are expected to be vaccinated, and there will be no fellowship hour.  Stay tuned for                                           more information.

                              July and August Sunday morning worship services and fellowship will take place at 10am, ON THE LAWN west of the church.  Bring your blankets, lawn chairs,                                 recliners, etc. or choose to remain in your cars, and join us for this outdoor worship experience in the beauty of summertime on Bainbridge Island.  If people                                         express interest in hosting an outdoor coffee hour, we will share that joy together as well.  (Pastor Paul will host the first one on Sunday, July 4th).  When the                                         weather is stormy, we will hold our worship as a drive-in worship oriented toward the stage.

 CHRIST IN OUR HOME, daily devotionals for July-September, are available in the narthex at Bethany.

Prayers are extended for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jeff Sievertson upon the death of his 95 year old father, Albert Francis Sievertson                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jeff Jensen, as he prepares for knee replacement surgery on Monday                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tony Mesa, recovering from hip replacement surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dave Christensen, as he continues to heal from back surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dick Heine, battling congestive heart failure

Prayers of celebration, as we prepare for the Baptism of Asher Paige, son of Matt and Holly Paige, which will take place on Saturday, May 29th in a family ceremony at Bethany.  The Bethany community is invited to accompany Asher in this joyous event through prayers of joy, gratitude, and loving support. "People of God, do you promise to support Asher and pray for him in his new life in Christ?"  WE DO!

Worship continues this week with our Drive-in service at 10am, which this Sunday is the Day of Pentecost.  Wear red, drive red, be well-read. Online worship can be accessed through Bethanyofbainbridge.org, with services beginning at 8:30am and 11am Sunday morning, and then available thereafter through the link.

Bethany Quilters continue to work through the summer, and are in need of sheets, blankets, table-cloths, etc.  Their supply is running low, and the lack of rummage and garage sales has cut into their sourcing.

Men's Bible Study will gather, in a small group in person, on Tuesday, May 25th at 8am at Bethany.  

Bethany has a new Church Office Administrator!  Debbie Rimkus, someone familiar to many at Bethany, and who was a co-founder of the Bethany Preschool, will start her work this Tuesday, May 25th.  In addition to her familiarity with Bethany and with congregational life in general, Debbie brings great experience, having been the Church Administrator at Grace Church, and most recently in her work with the BI Land Trust.  Welcome, Debbie (and Andy).

The Bethany Garden, orchestrated by Mary Douglas, with great assistance from Gus and Stina Pena, is tilled and ready to be planted.  If anyone would like to adopt a planter, please contact Mary at 206-755-3170 or Pastor Paul at 206-842-4241.  This requires about a 90 minute/week commitment.  All harvest will go to Helpline House.  All seeds and plants are provided.  Thank you, Mary, for providing this fun opportunity.

Upcoming events with partner ministries:

                     Faith Action Network (FAN) will be holding its spring summits this Sunday, May 23rd from 2-4pm and on Sunday, June 6th from 2-4pm.  Register here:                                                                              May 23:  http://bit.ly/2021SummitMay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            June 6:  http://bit.ly/2021SummitJune

                    BI/NK CROP Walk is seeking a couple people to join the local leadership team.  (More info in Bethany newsletter) Contact Chris                                                                            or 206-842-5830 for more information.


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