February 24 Announcements
Bethany's Service of Prayer, Eucharist and Healing will take place this Saturday, February 26th at 10am. We are a people with many prayer concerns these days, heightened this week by the tensions in the Ukraine. Come and join us for this brief service of prayer, holy communion, and healing. All are welcome.
The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 2. We will mark this season as a community with an Ash Wednesday service, Daily Devotionals, simple soup suppers on the subsequent Wednesdays and occasional Pancake and Prayer breakfasts.
Daily Devotionals: There five places left for reflections for our 2022 Lenten Devotional. The theme is “Lost and Found”, a common Biblical theme. If you would like a reflection included, send it to Debbie (
) by February 28. The Daily Devotionals for each week in Lent will be available on our website and as a printed booklet.
Ash Wednesday Service: Bethany will offer an Ash Wednesday service including imposition of ashes at 7:00pm on March 2. All are welcome.
Pancake and Prayer Breakfast: Our first Pancake and Prayer Breakfast takes place next Sunday, March 6th at 9:15am. During the season of Lent, Bethany will host a pancake breakfast on three Sunday mornings, simple meals primarily geared toward our children and families, but open to absolutely everyone. They will include pancakes and a Bible Story, prayers and a song...oh, and fellowship. Remember fellowship? Come and join us for this meal.
Lenten Soup Suppers: We return this year to our tradition of sharing a simple soup supper one day each week in Lent. We will gather for supper on Wednesdays in fellowship hall at 6:00pm, March 9 – April 6. If you are able to help by bringing a soup or bread for one of the meals, see the sign-up sheet on the hall bulletin board.
Rachel Circle Bible Study in March: The Rachel Circle Bible Study group will postpone their March meeting to Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00am. The Quilters will meet on Tuesday, March 1 at 10:00am.
Martha and Mary Covenant: Bethany has been in a long and strong relationship with Martha and Mary in Poulsbo for decades, recognizing it as one of our partner ministries in our shared work of expressing the love of Jesus in the world. Over the years, in addition to having many residents there served by the care facility, and children in their child-care center, Bethany has had Board members, volunteers, and even the pastoral gifts of Laurie Stumme-Diers, their chaplain. "Them is us" it might be said in our common ministry. This was formalized a few years ago with a "covenant" adopted at a Congregational Meeting. In that document we committed ourselves to prayer, congregational financial support, and the support of our members in advocacy, volunteering, and monetary support. Next month is an opportunity to build on that support through the Martha and Mary Gala, a fundraiser with a silent auction. Linnea Chu, an active volunteer with M & M, is encouraging us to help with this effort...
Martha and Mary Gala: The annual Martha and Mary Generations of Care Auction begins online March 18th and concludes with a live gala presentation on Saturday night March 26th. This year’s proceeds will benefit the childcare center. Bethany garnered rave reviews for our quilts and theme baskets last year and we are looking forward to a repeat performance. How can you help? Write a check to Bethany, indicating Martha and Mary in the memo line, and put it in the offering plate on Sunday or bring it to the church by March 1st. A Bethany work party on March 1st will purchase items and start organizing our theme baskets/contributions. If you have hand-crafted items or offers of special events/trips to auction, please email Martha and Mary at:
. Questions? Please contact Linnea Chu:
or Helen Stoll:
Bethany is Hiring!: With the decline of the Covid transmission rate, Bethany is ready to bring back children’s Sunday morning programming! We are searching for a part-time Children and Family Coordinator. The position description is available on our website or by clicking here. If you, or someone you know, are interested in the position, contact Debbie in the office for more information.
Altar Flowers: This weekend’s altar flowers are given by Mabel Keeney in honor of her 93rd birthday.