February 20 Announcements
Saturday Evening Worship
After additional discussion, a decision was made to not move Saturday night worship to a Wednesday afternoon format. Instead, Saturday night worship will continue this weekend and in March (with the exception of March 1 and March 29). Saturday night worship will pause beginning in April to give the worship and music team and the congregation council time to reassess in light of a new pastor joining us. We hope that we can take this time and come together as one congregation on Sunday mornings. Please feel free to be in touch with Pastor Erin with any questions or concerns.
Mystery Dinner at Bethany!
Everyone is welcome at our "Mystery on the High Seas" dinner on Saturday, March 1 at 6:00pm. Only a couple of characters are left if you want a specific role. Otherwise, please come and be part of a team to solve the mystery—no prep needed! The era is the 1920's so feel free to dress for the times if you like. "Off the Grid" will be playing some tunes from the time period. IMPORTANT! Please sign up on the bulletin board to let us know if you are coming. We have run out of food at two prior events and we want to avoid that! A salad/appetizer or finger food dessert (please no desserts that require a plate to help our kitchen crew) would be appreciated. A pasta dinner will be provided with meat, vegan and gluten-free options. Let us know if you would like to come and need babysitting.
Ash Wednesday
The Service of the Imposition of Ashes will be held on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. Please join us for this contemplative service that commences our Lenten journey.
Men’s Retreat
The Bethany Men are starting up our annual men’s retreat again this Spring. The retreat will take place at Ramblewood Environmental Center located at Sequim Bay State Park May 2-4, a 52 minute drive from Bainbridge Island. More information, including cost, and a sign-up sheet are available on the hallway bulletin. We encourage all men of all ages to sign up and join in the fellowship and fun.
Pictorial Directory
The long-awaited pictorial directory is ready! With the holidays and start of a new year behind us, Debbie finally had the time to upload the photos taken by Becci Kerstetter. (Thank you, Becci!) She has also taken some time to review and update the database. Knowing that we will be calling a pastor soon, this first printing is a basic photo directory only and does not yet include extras like a staff or history page. Copies of the directory are now available in the narthex. When you pick up your copy, please double check your info and let Debbie know if anything needs correcting. One of the items we tried to capture during the photo sessions was permission to print phone numbers and email addresses. If either of these is not printed and you would like it included or conversely has been printed and you don’t want it included, let Debbie know and she will update the database with your preferences.
Lutheran Community Services Lawsuit
An important lawsuit was filed locally last week by Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) and a number of individuals (identified only anonymously) who have been dramatically affected by the presidential executive order on refugee resettlement. Given Bethany’s close connection to LCSNW and its ministries as well as the detailed allegations in the Complaint, this is a key background document to help provide understanding regarding the multi-faceted implications of the executive order. To view the lawsuit, click here.
A Day of Reflection and Renewal
Rolling Bay Presbyterian invites everyone to join them in A Day of Reflection and Renewal on Saturday, March 8 from 9am to 2pm. Mindfulness practices come with all kinds of benefits to our brains, our bodies and our spirits. Lori Glover, LICSW, LMHC will lead in examining how mindfulness can help manage stress, bring clarity to decisions, increase our awareness of God’s presence in our lives and help us better hear God’s voice. The event is free, with coffee, breakfast treats, and lunch provided. For more information and to register, call Laura Alonso at 206-697-2451.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Vicki Browning in honor of her daughter Alexa’s birthday.
Prayers Are Requested: for Ralph Schulz who died on Wednesday; for Gladys Schulz and their family as they mourn Ralph’s death.
Thank You to this weekend’s Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Kathy Dudgeon
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Jennie Harris; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris; Hospitality Host: Carol Fenner
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Stephen Deines & Andy Rimkus; Lay Reader: Barbara Deines; Communion Assistant: Barbara Deines; Hospitality Hosts: Debbie & Andy Rimkus
Next Weekend’s Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Linnea Chu
Saturday 5:00pm – No Service
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Alice & Bruce McCain; Lay Reader: Linnea Chu; Communion Assistant: Linnea Chu; Hospitality Hosts: Kristi Sutton & Vicki Browning