December 9 Announcements
Men’s Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet this Tuesday, December 14th at 8am.
Stewardship Packets: Packets with 2022 stewardship materials have been mailed. Please use the addressed envelope included in the packet to return your pledge card and time-and-talent survey as soon as possible so that the church council can begin to formulate a 2022 budget. Pledge Cards and Time-and-Talent surveys are also available on the table entering the sanctuary.
Advent at Bethany: We will be caroling after the 10am service this Sunday, bringing cookies, song and cheer to home-bound Bethany members. If you plan to join the caroling group, please let Pastor Paul know by emailing him at . The December 19th Sunday morning worship service will include a special telling of the Christmas story intermingled with musical offerings from Bethany members.
Christmas Eve Services: Bethany will have two worship services on Christmas Eve and both will include music and candlelight. The earlier 5:00pm service will feature the Bethany Brass and a special message for children. It will be slightly shorter and won’t include the Service of Holy Communion The later 10:00pm service will feature the Bethany Choir and include the Service of Holy Communion.
Sign Up for Altar Flowers in 2022: The new 2022 Flower Calendar is available on the bulletin board. Please sign up for the special date that you would like to honor an event or remember a special person while you have a choice. Select either A - you will provide the arrangement, or B - altar guild will do the arrangement and you will provide the check [there is an envelope to put the money in by the calendar]. Questions? Email Gail Christensen .
Christmas Poinsettias: The Altar Guild will be decorating the sanctuary with beautiful poinsettias again this year and welcomes your donations to help cover the cost. Please consider making a donation in honor or memory of someone special in your life. Envelopes for the special donations will be available from the usher or on the table as you enter the sanctuary.
Donations for Martha & Mary: Martha & Mary is accepting holiday gifts people can purchase for their residents. The three items they are collecting this year are wall calendars, nonskid socks and fleece throws (i.e, lap blankets.) Items can be dropped by Martha and Mary in Poulsbo or brought to the Bethany office. See the December newsletter for additional information.
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Sonja Selbo with gratitude to God for the gift of a loving family.
Prayers are Requested for: David Mueller and the Mueller family upon the sudden death of Jennifer Mueller; Wayne Richmond who continues to recover from pneumonia.