April 6 Announcements
April Newsletter: The April Life Together newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure. Click here or visit the publications page on our website. Copies will also be available in the narthex.
Easter Lily Offerings: The Altar Guild will be decorating the altar for Easter with beautiful Easter Lilies. Please consider making a donation towards the cost of the lilies in honor or memory of someone special.
Holy Week at Bethany: Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on April 10th. There will be a Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on April 14th and a Good Friday service at 7pm on April 15th. We will celebrate Easter at our Saturday evening 5pm service and our Sunday morning 10am service.
Children’s Sunday Morning Program: There will be no special Children’s Sunday morning program on Palm Sunday (April 10) or Easter Sunday (April 17) so that families can experience the Holy Week worship services together.
Men’s Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, April 12th at 8am.
A Quilt Silent Auction: Rachel Circle will be auctioning the three quilts on display in the fellowship hall beginning April 2 through April 17 (Easter). Get your bid in soon. Bid sheets are on clipboards in the fellowship hall. Proceeds will be given to Lutheran World Relief.
Celebrating the Life of Carlton Anderson: A funeral for Carlton Anderson will take place at Bethany at 6pm on Wednesday, April 20. All are invited to come and celebrate his life. Please keep Carlton’s family in your prayers as they mourn his loss.