April 27 Announcements
Sunday School: Join us for Sunday school this week! Our lesson is grounded in John 10:1-10 when Jesus tells us he is the gate, and following him is like being shepherds who enter through him. What are some ways you follow Jesus today? Jesus says he came so people can have a full life of abundance. What does a full life of abundance look like? We'll discuss these questions and enjoy time together over yummy snacks! Everyone is welcome, please come!
Adult Education: Our Adult Education series, Journey to Bethlehem, led by Fred Truitt, concludes this Sunday in the sanctuary after worship. It's been a wonderful journey with Fred walking us through the events and characters of Holy Week. Please join us as we wrap up the series and look ahead to future studies (and don't worry if you haven't been able to join us for other sessions--the lessons are accessible no matter if you've been to each session, or this will be your first). Bring your ideas for topics you'd like to cover in future sessions. Young adults are warmly welcome and encouraged to attend! Please contact Pastor Erin with questions.
Blessing of the Quilts & Kits: We will celebrate the work of the Rachel Circle during worship this weekend, April 29 & 30, when 83 beautiful quilts and 63 baby kits made by the Rachel Circle will be displayed for a special blessing before being sent to Lutheran World Relief. The Rachel Circle is looking for boxes to use for shipping quilts and baby kits. About fruit box size, or a bit bigger is most helpful. They are needed by May 2. The Rachel Circle thanks everyone for their support and response to their recent requests!
New Member Sunday: In addition to blessing quilts, we will be receiving new members this Sunday, April 30. The next newsletter will include write-ups on each of these families. New members being received include Linda Knudsen, Sandy Young, Jessica Wilson, Betty Root, Michele Whitman, Jackie Sekits, Maria Marsala, Erin, Tony & Caleb Grayson.
May IMPACT Gathering: Calling all gardeners and youth and families! Mark your calendars for our May IMPACT gathering on May 7 from 4:00-5:30 in Fellowship Hall. We have big dreams of reviving our Bethany garden to "Grow a Row" for our local food banks, which are always glad to have fresh produce to offer shoppers. On May 7, we'll be putting a plan and a schedule together to make it happen! We'll also enjoy a make-your-own-taco bar for dinner, plus popsicles for dessert.
A wish list has "cropped" up in the Narthex (bad pun, I couldn't help it) on the Youth and Family bulletin board. Even if you can't come to the IMPACT gathering, please take a look and consider whether or not you could provide an item or service on the wish list. Questions or RSVP? Contact Pastor Erin pastorerin@bethanyofbainbridge.org/860-705-8212
May Bible Study: The Women’s Bible Study and Book Group will meet on Monday, May 8 at 9:30am. The Men’s Bible Study Group will meet on Tuesday, May 9 at 8:00am. The Rachel Circle Bible Study Group will meet Tuesday, May 9 at 10:00am. This month the group will us the devotional that is available on the table in the library. The Rachel Circle will be welcoming women from Vinland Lutheran in Poulsbo for the Bible study on May 9, followed by a luncheon. All Bible study groups meet in fellowship hall.
Amabile Spring Concert: The Amabile Choir, under the direction of Bethany’s own Sylvia Cauter, will present its 10th anniversary concert – United in Song – at Bethany on Friday, May 5th and Saturday, May 6th. (Please note correction of dates from previous announcement.) Both concerts are at 7:30pm. They will also perform the concert on Saturday, May 6th at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church with special guests Sakai Intermediate School Choirs. That performance will take place at 3:00pm. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Dana’s on Bainbridge Island or through the Amabile website: https://www.amabilechoir.org/
2023 Bob Satterwhite Memorial Scholarship: Do you know a graduating high school student who is active in a faith group and has demonstrated a commitment to the purposes of the Bainbridge Island-North Kitsap Interfaith Council (IFC). In 2007 the IFC began awarding each year a monetary scholarship to a graduating high school senior in memory of Bob Satterwhite who gave so much of his energy and time to the Interfaith Council. Seniors are nominated by their faith group and all faith groups that are members of IFC may each nominate one graduating senior. For more information on the IFC and scholarship process see the flyer on the bulletin board or contact Alice McCain at .
A Community Conversation on Homelessness: In partnership with Helpline House and the Bainbridge library, Housing Resources Bainbridge is presenting a book talk and Q&A with Gregg Colburn, co-author of the book Homelessness Is a Housing Problem. The community conversation takes place on Thursday, May 4, 7:00pm at the Bainbridge Public Library. Gregg takes a deep dive into the data and challenges everything we thought we knew about homelessness. The book is full of surprises (e.g., turns out we really can’t attribute Seattle’s homelessness problem to our relatively mild weather…) and somehow manages to offer a path forward. You can learn more about the event and register for free tickets here: https://www.housingresourcesbi.org/events/
Altar Flowers: The altar flowers this weekend are given by Birgit Davis in memory of Ruth Schönning.
Funeral Service: The service to celebrate the life of Wayne Richmond will take place on Saturday, May 20 at 1:00pm. All are welcome to attend.
Prayers are Requested: For Joe and Barbara Michael as they recover from Covid at home; for Shirley Funk as she recovers from shoulder surgery at Martha and Mary; for Pat Sather as she continues to settle in at Fieldstone; for the family of Allen Fenner (Ron’s brother), whose funeral will be held on Saturday.
Thank You to this weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Linnea Chu & Alice McCain
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeter/Usher: Charlene Selvar; Lay Reader: Rachel Pritchett: Hospitality Hosts: Marlene & Al Orwiler
Sunday 10:00am – Greeter: Jan Thrun; Ushers: Nancy & Harry Wetzler; Lay Reader: Harry Wetzler; Communion Assistant: Vicki Browning; Hospitality Hosts: Alice McCain & Miriam Barrenger
Next weekend's Worship Assistants:
Altar Duty: Kathy Dudgeon
Saturday 5:00pm – Greeters/Ushers: Luanne & Tom Croker; Lay Reader: Jennie Harris: Hospitality Host: Jennie Harris
Sunday 10:00am – Greeters/Ushers: Eve & Mike Curtis; Lay Reader: Colleen Chupik; Communion Assistant: Colleen Chupik; Hospitality Hosts: Kathy & Doug Dudgeon