Rachel Pritchett's story
I'd characterize faith as Bethany as active. Yes, the place is full during worship times on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. But that's just a small part of the story.
Bethany people are out living their faith Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They're overseeing Helpline House, either on its board or hoisting groceries up onto shelves. They're over at Compass Housing Alliance in Seattle, sorting the mail for the homeless people there. They're traipsing along in the island's CROP Walk, raising thousands of dollars to fight hunger. They're sewing quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They're overseeing Martha & Mary, ensuring quality care for clients. My list is endless.
You get energized by being around people like this. Pretty soon, you ask yourself how it ever could have been that you, too, were not active.
I'll see you here.