A Message from Pr. Erin
The Lenten season began on Ash Wednesday, March 5. I hope you were able to join us for a contemplative worship service and Imposition of Ashes in the sanctuary.
This year, the theme of our Lenten season is All We Need © and is inspired by a worship series offered by Barn Geese, an ELCA-based creative resource for pastors and congregations. Using the Revised Common Lectionary readings, we’ll explore what this season’s scripture selections reveal about our needs both personally and communally. The series will introduce us to a variety of topics like the need for sleep, change, and beauty for our contemplation. I hope you’ll join us on Sundays when our worship will be centered on the intricate tapestry of human needs–and the transformative power of Christ and community.
As in years past, an interactive prayer wall will be built along the north wall of the sanctuary for your use throughout Lent. There will be copies on the table in the Narthex of a Lenten devotional including scripture and reflective reading plus a prayer and a practice you can take up for the week. Although we will not have a mid-week Wednesday service this year, the sanctuary will be open throughout the week during office hours for quiet reflection and prayer. I hope you will find the devotional materials and quiet reflection time meaningful to your Lenten observance.
The Lenten season will also begin to draw to a close my time with you as your Care Pastor. As you know, my contract at Bethany ended on January 31, and after discussion with the church council, we agreed to renew my contract until April 20, Easter Sunday. What that means is that I will continue to serve you, but on a half-time basis. My office hours have been reduced to two days per week and I will primarily focus on leading worship and bible study, youth activities, and pastoral care. It has been a real honor to walk with you during this season of transition at Bethany. It seems fitting that we can worship together Easter morning closing one chapter and celebrating new life to come!
In Christ,
Pastor Erin